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Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF & ArchiMate at a glance
Zu Tao ,Pitaya System Engineering
Views    2020-1-14 



Whether it's a product I develop myself or a project that I consult with a client, architecture has always been one of the most important things I do. At first, it was software architecture, then system architecture, and then more and more, it involved a larger architecture scope: business, data, applications, and technology. At this time, the complete architecture system provided by enterprise architecture is very helpful for my architecture work. In 2011, he provided business modeling and business architecture design training and consulting for a project in Zhejiang Province, and felt that the combination of business and IT is a complete view of the information system. In 2017, as a consultant, he provided IT top-level design consulting for a provincial financial cloud, and designed the business architecture, data architecture, application architecture and technical architecture for the customer's financial cloud project based on the enterprise architecture. I deeply feel that enterprise architecture is very important for the service-oriented integration of IT systems that has lasted for many years, and can bring different orders of magnitude of effect to the cost, efficiency and quality of construction. Therefore, it specializes in providing consulting services for the design of IT top-level architecture for enterprises and government units, and the following is a screenshot of the IT top-level architecture planning based on cloud computing architecture for an enterprise:

Screenshot of the IT top-level design scheme

Enterprise architecture model built with EA


In October 2019, the Dragon Fruit Software Engineering Technology Center officially became Open A member of the TOGAF Chapter of the Group, the certification training course "Building Enterprise Architecture on TOGAF". Enterprise architecture involves architecture, development methods, modeling languages, principles, and many other contents, which often make learners feel confused and confused The "Introduction to TOGAF and Enterprise Architecture" chapter selects some content in the hope that readers can understand the basic concepts and relationships of enterprise architecture, TOGAF, ArchiMate, etc.



Now, with the close support of enterprise information system to business and the continuous accumulation of complexity and quantity of information system, there are more and more information systems, and it is urgent to establish a view of IT top-level architecture design in order to provide framework guidance for the continuous development of IT systems.

From the perspective of an enterprise as a whole, enterprise architecture is an effective way to guide the top-level design of IT based on IT technology and business-oriented to achieve the value goals of the enterprise.


There are 2 key words that should be noted in the definition of enterprise architecture:

  • Enterprise: It should be oriented to the whole enterprise, or at least run through the entire enterprise from a certain level, so as to have an enterprise-level vision and solve enterprise-level problems; This also shows that the boss of the enterprise needs to understand and participate and support.
  • Architecture: It should be oriented to the main problem and the main solution, and it should be framework, not trivial; The architecture should be space-oriented to the whole, temporally oriented to the long-term, and position-oriented to strategy, rather than layout-oriented, short-term, and can be adjusted at will.

  • To learn enterprise architecture, we should first start with the basic concepts of enterprise architecture, so that we can clearly understand the starting point of enterprise architecture, know the relationship between enterprise architecture and your current IT projects, and then think about how to combine enterprise architecture with your own work.


    After understanding the concept of enterprise architecture, it is necessary to understand the content of enterprise architecture, Enterprise architecture generally includes: enterprise strategy, business architecture, data architecture, application architecture, technical architecture, in which data architecture and application architecture are also combined to be called information architecture, that is, information systems generally include data and application 2 parts.


    The above description is still more conceptual, in order to make the reader see clearly, here is a brief example to give you an overview of the form and content of enterprise architecture, here is modeled using the five-level view of the enterprise architecture modeling language ArchiMate.

    Enterprise architecture is destined to be a complex system engineering because of the strategy, business and IT of the whole enterprise, if you want to implement enterprise architecture, you should generally consider the following aspects:

    Architecture modeling
    The standard approach to enterprise architecture modeling is to use the modeling standards provided by ArchiMate, which is divided into 6 levels (strategic, business, application, technical, physical, implementation and migration) from a professional perspective, and each level can be divided into 4 aspects (motivation, active structure, behavior, and passive structure) according to the content, and the 6 levels and 4 aspects are mapped to each other.
    Architecture development process and methodology The Architecture Development Methodology (ADM) divides the enterprise architecture development process into 9 phases (Preparation, Architecture Prospect, Business Architecture, Information Systems Architecture, Technology Architecture, Opportunities & Solutions, Migration Plan, Implementation Governance, and Architecture Management).
    Architectural principles The design of the architecture should be pre-set principles, so that the designer can grasp the direction of the architecture from the beginning, and the design principles of the architecture are common There are five aspects: quality principle, business principle, data principle, application principle and technical principle.
    Schema content
  • What the architecture submits to the user is the core part of the architecture, and the content of the architecture should be clear to the users in 3:
    Clarify the meta-model of the architecture from the perspective of the architecture designer as the basis for architecture design.
    From the perspective of architecture developers, the input and output of each stage of the architecture are clarified as intermediate products of architecture development.
    Define the final deliverables from the perspective of the architecture users as the results of the external delivery of the architecture.
  • Architecture quality standards
    The quality of the architecture needs to establish corresponding standards, and corresponding evaluation indicators, evaluation methods, and measurement methods should be established for the artifacts and deliverables of the architecture.
    Architectural examples In order to be universal, architecture specifications generally do a lot of abstractions from a general point of view, so that the reference seems difficult to understand, and the use of the landing feels unreliable, architecture examples can be from a specific architecture design example, so that readers can understand the vivid story of architecture, the real growth process of understanding. Because of the high complexity of enterprise architecture, there are not many successful implementations, and because enterprise architecture involves the core knowledge assets of the enterprise, so there are few public references in this regard.


    Let's take a look at each of the enterprise architecture specifications that have just been raised: ArchiMate and TOGAF. First, let's take a look at TOGAF.

    TOGAF is positioned to provide solutions for enterprise architecture, so let's take a look at what TOGAF has to offer through TOGAF's canonical blueprint:

    As can be seen from the blueprint of TOGAF's canonical structure in the figure above:

    TOGAF is positioned as Business Vision Driven TOGAF helps build business capabilities, and the practice of business capabilities creates new business needs, and the three are constantly iterating and promoting the continuous growth of the enterprise.
    The core content of TOGAF is as follows:
  • Architecture Capability Framework
  • Architecture development methodology
  • Schema Content Framework
  • Business continuity and tools

  • The most important part of TOGAF is the Architecture Development Methodology (ADM), let's take a look at the 1 core and 9 phases of ADM, as shown in the figure below:

    One core is: requirements management, as a way to carry through all phases of the enterprise architecture process. The 9 stages are:

    1. Preparatory phase

    2. Architecture Prospect Stage

    3. Business architecture phase

    4. Information system architecture stage

    5. Technical architecture phase

    6. Opportunity & Solution Phase

    7. Migration planning phase

    8. Implement the governance phase

    9. Architecture Change Management Phase

    The establishment of enterprise architecture is not a matter of 1 or 2 years, because it involves a wide range, is related to the overall foundation, and has great responsibilities, so it is destined to be the long-term pursuit of an enterprise, which needs to be gradually built, iteratively carried out, and adhered to for a long time. And this process should not be quick success, but should be held in pursuit of excellence, enjoy the growth of the mindset, set positive goals, continue to find problems, solve problems, step by step.

    Because only by knowing what the content is, the development of enterprise architecture can really be implemented, so after a general understanding of the basic concepts of enterprise architecture and TOGAF's architecture development methodology, More attention should be paid to how to model the enterprise architecture, so that the complex enterprise architecture can be communicated, understood and used by most people in a visual model. When it comes to building the enterprise architecture at a deeper level, ArchiMate plays a greater role TOGAF is also important.

    ArchiMate clearly defines the 6 levels of enterprise architecture through modeling guidelines:

  • Strategic layer: Specify the strategic goals and growth roadmap of the enterprise architecture.
  • Business Layer: The source of the driving force for enterprise architecture.
  • Application layer: the organization and integration of information systems that support business.
  • Technology layer: The network, software, and hardware technologies on which applications are built.
  • Physical layer: The physical devices and networks that support the application.
  • Implementation & Migration: Project process control for the implementation of enterprise architecture.
  • 4 aspects of ArchiMate:

  • Motivation: What are the reasons for the enterprise architecture design and improvement goals.
  • Active structure: The agent who initiates various actions.
  • Behavior: The activities that provide the various capabilities and the processes that they make up and the services that they fulfill.
  • Passive structure: The various objects that are processed.
  • There is a mapping between ADM, which is the architecture development process, and ArchiMate, which describes the architecture, as follows:

    The ArchiMate modeling view for each phase of ADM is as follows:

  • The Preparatory and Architectural Prospect phases are modeled using ArchiMate's Strategy & Motivation layer。
  • The business architecture phase is modeled using ArchiMate's business layer.
  • The information system architecture phase is modeled using ArchiMate's application layer.
  • The technology architecture phase is modeled using ArchiMate's technology layer.
  • The Opportunity & Solution Phase, Migration Planning Phase, and Implementation Governance Phase are modeled using ArchiMate's Implementation & Migration layer.
  • Requirements management is a through-line effort that involves modeling at all levels.
  • The architecture change management phase is also involved in virtually all levels of modeling.
  • Having said that, the enterprise architecture reference framework TOGAF and the modeling specification ArchiMate need strong tool support, and EA needs to be supported by TOGAF, ArchiMate, and Zachman The framework provides complete modeling support, as shown in the screenshot of the interface:

    An example of ArchiMate modeling for EA

    EA's TOGAF Enterprise Continuity Modeling

    DoDAF (United States Department of Defense Architecture Framework) serves as a specific reference framework for enterprise architecture in the military field, giving specific architectural references from eight views.

    8 views of DoDAF:

    1. Full view

    2. Data & Information View

    3. Standard view

    4. Capability view

    5. Combat view

    6. Service View

    7. System View

    8. Project View

    These provide a tracking view of the relevant modeling and various models in the EA, as shown in the following image:

    DoDAF model framework in EA


    If you want to learn more about Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF, and ArchiMate, you can refer to the following courses or tools

  • Course:Enterprise Architect Certification Course (Business, Applications, Technology).
  • Course:Enterprise Architecture Modeling (Archimate).
  • Course:Design of SaaS architecture based on cloud computing architecture
  • Tools:Enterprise Architecture Modeling Tools EA

  • About the Author:

    Zu Tao, the founder of Dragon Fruit Software Engineering, founded Dragon Fruit Software Engineering in 2001 and IBM Rational User Group in 2004. In 1998, he participated in the national key research project "Component-based Software Reuse for Specific Domains" as a backbone, and was fortunate to learn and use UML for domain modeling and refining reusable components and architectures. In the subsequent R&D projects, the model has been used for analysis and design, and has accumulated some experience and experience. Focused on MBSE for 20 years, familiar UML, Sys ML, ArchiMate, BPMN, UPDM, DataModel and other modeling languages and specifications, in the past experience, the biggest feeling is that the field of software engineering and systems engineering, which brings together many elite talents, has been a messy and confused state for decades. Develop a sustainable methodology for yourself, such as MBSE From Methodology to Practice Guide Model-Based 3D R&D Management Model-Based Requirements Management Model-Driven Architecture Design "Model-Based Quality Management" "Model-based Personnel Capability Management" "iProcess Process Improvement Method", currently as a product manager and architect, is currently working on the research and development of MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) platform, hoping to establish model-based engineering solutions, and will continue to write some articles in the future, hoping to give some reference to peers.


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