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UML Diagram: Object Diagram
Zu Tao ,Pitaya System Engineering
Views    2020-2-17


Why do you need object graph modeling?

An object diagram is a diagram that describes objects and their relationships, and to learn an object diagram, you must first understand what an object is:

Here's the dictionary in English as it explains:

Object:a material thing that can be seen and touched。


Object: is a material thing that can be seen and touched.

The world we see, so to speak, is made up of objects. Because there are so many objects in the real world, people use the way of classification, abstracting objects into classes, so most of the words in our vocabulary are not describing objects, but describing classes (abstractions of a group of objects with similar characteristics and behaviors). For example: people, horses, tables, cars, airplanes.

To recap the previousUML Diagram: Class Diagram, an introduction to the relationship between objects and classes:

Object diagram is the crystallization of object-oriented thinking, which describes things in the objective world from the perspective of objects:
  • The object is the existence of the objective world, which occupies space
  • It has an internal composition
  • External performance characteristics
  • Have behavior
  • It interacts with the outside
There are many real-world objects, abstracted into classes:
  • Give a class a name that reflects the instance of the object it represents
  • Describe the characteristics of an object with attributes
  • Methods describe the behavior of an object
The relationships between objects are abstracted into the relationships of classes: association, aggregation, composition, generalization, implementation, and so on.


As you can see, objects are the basis of abstract classes, but most of the time, we see class diagrams, and we rarely see people drawing object diagrams. So, are object graphs useful? Let's look at the following examples:


As can be seen from the above legend::

The relationship between the object graph and the class diagram:
The object graph is closer to the graph of the objective world, and it is best to model the object graph before abstracting the class diagram, so that the class diagram can be landed. It's like the philosophical view that "theory comes from practice".

Objects exist objectively, and no two objects are exactly the same, so how do we understand the vast and complex world? How do you describe so many objects? The objects we describe are actually mappings of objective objects from a certain perspective, and these objects seem to be different, but may be composed of the same smaller objects. Just like in the example above, we first find the objects from a macro perspective: the map, the snake, and the food, and then analyze their internal connections - the map, the snake, and the food need to be able to correspond to atomic units, so that we can determine that the snake has eaten the food, and the food is somewhere on the map. In this way, we find the basic object of "node", the map is located according to the coordinates of the node, the snake is composed of nodes, and the food is also a special node (which can be eaten), and this process of finding the basic object is like the material world finds atoms, organisms find cells and genes. At this time, we will have a thorough understanding and may have the ability to manipulate things. This is also the key to the analysis and design of the game of Snake.

The key to object modeling:
Finding the basic objects that make up them among the many surface objects is the key to discovering patterns and commonalities, and the only way to simplify and solve problems.


What is there in the object diagram

Any UML diagram has semantics, elements, relationships, and uses, and the following is a list of object diagrams:

Semanteme Describes the state and relationship of an object at a certain point in time
Element Object
Relationship Links between objects
Use You can describe the relationship between objects when analyzing a class; It can be used to describe the current snapshot of the object at runtime


Legend: Snake game object diagram

In order to make the reader see more vividly, the usage of the object diagram is introduced in the form of a legend, and the following is the object diagram of the snake game:

Description of the object diagram:

The following is a description dictionary of the class generated based on the object graph:

Serial number  Element Illustrate
 1.  tail:Node The tail of the snake is a node object
 2.  body:Node[ ] The body of a snake is a set of node objects
 3.  head:Node
The head of the snake is a node object
 4.  food:Food Food, there is only one food on the map The properties of the
food object are currently:
  • PointX=8
  • PointY=8
  • Width=1
  •  5.  snake:Snake Snake object, composed of multiple objects: head, body, tail The properties of the snake object are currently as follows:
  • Direction=up
  • Score=10
  • Longth=11
  •  6.  map:Map Map object with a food object and a snake object
    on it The map object's properties are currently:
  • Width=100
  • Color=white
  • Height=100

    Note: The model in this paper uses the modeling tool EA to model, generate code, and generate database.



    UML Diagram Series:

    1.UML Overview
    2.Use Case Diagram
    3.Activity Diagram
    4.Class Diagram
    5.Object Diagram
    6.Sequence Diagram
    7.Interpretation of the Mapping Relationship between Class Diagram and Code (C++)



    I hope you have benefited from reading this.

    If you are willing to share your experience, please submit it to us.

    If you are interested in our training, consulting and tools:

  • Course: Analytical design based on UML and EA  
  • Course: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering)  
  • Course: Model-Based Requirements Management) Methods and Practices
  • Course: System Design and Modeling Based on SysML and EA
  • Course: Enterprise Architecture Modeling
  • Course: System Architecture Modeling Methods and Cases
  • Course: Domain-Driven Modeling and Design
  • Course: Model-Based Design
  • Course: Business Modeling and Business Analysis
  • Modeling tool: EA
  • Model-based requirements management tool: iSpace
  • Consulting Solution: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering)
  • Consulting Solution: Model-Driven Development Based on UML
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