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MARTE Specification Interpretation 1: Introduction
Author:Zu Tao (Pitaya System Engineering)
Views    2021-4-21 


1. What is MARTE

MARTE (Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems) is a modeling extension of UML for real-time and embedded systems. Support the entire process of model-based real-time and embedded system development: requirements definition - > design - > implementation - > validation and verification. MARTE describes the software of real-time embedded systems and the hardware they run on, with a particular focus on modeling performance and timing scheduling.

Benefits you can get with MARTE:

  • Provides a common modeling approach for the hardware and software aspects of real-time embedded system development to improve communication between developers.
  • Support interoperability between tools for requirements, design, validation, code generation, and more.
  • It is possible to build a model that takes into account both hardware and software characteristics, and the model can be used to quantitatively predict the real-time and embedded characteristics of the system.
  • MARTE focuses on modeling in 2 directions:

  • Real-time and embedded systems
  • Tags for the analysis of system properties
  • Tags for the Analysis of Aystem Properties

    The following is an illustration of the contents of the MARTE specification:

    Diagram of MARTE's architecture

    The base package consists of (both the design model and the analytical model use some basic concepts, which are put into the base package):

  • Core Elements
  • NFP, non-functional attributes
  • Time, enhanced time modeling
  • GRM, General Resource Modeling
  • GCM, Common Component Model
  • Alloc, Assignment Modeling.
  • The MARTE design model includes the following packages:

  • GCM,Generic Component Model
  • HLAM,High-Level Application Modeling
  • SRM ,Software Resource Modeling
  • HRM,Hardware Resource Modeling
  • The MARTE analysis model includes:

  • GQAM, Generic quantitative Analysis Modeling
  • SAM, Schedulability Analysis Modeling, Temporal Analysis Modeling
  • PAM ,Performance Analysis Modeling
  • MARTE Add-on Packs:

  • VSL,Value Specification Language
  • RSM,Repetitive Structure Modeling
  • MARTE_Library, the MARTE library is mainly some basic data types.
  • MARTE User and Scenarios

    The potential users of MARTE are shown in the figure below:

    1.Model Designers: These are modelers who specialize in designing models for use in the context of the RT/E system development process. Models can be used in the usual specification, design, or implementation phases. But models can also be used for analysis to determine if they will meet performance and schedulability needs.

    2.RT/E System Architects: They are specific modelers who focus on the overall architecture, often making trade-offs between implementing features in hardware, software, or both.

    3.Hardware Modelers: These are modelers who specialize in the hardware aspects of RT/E system development.

    4. Hardware Architects: They are the modelers who are responsible for designing the hardware architecture.

    5.Software Modelers: These are modelers who specialize in the software aspects of RT/E system development.

    6.Software Architects: They are modelers who care about designing software architectures.

    7.Model Analysts: These modelers are concerned with annotating system models in order to perform specific analysis methods.

    8. Execution Platform Providers: They are developers and suppliers of runtime technologies (hardware or software-based platforms), such as real-time CORBAs, real-time operating systems, and specific hardware components.

    9.Methodology Providers: They are individuals and teams responsible for defining a model-based approach for the RT/E domain. This category includes UML tool providers. It can be further divided into:

  • 9.1 Design Method Providers: These are specialized method providers who are responsible for defining a model-based approach to specifying, designing, or implementing an RT/E system.
  • 9.2 Analytical Method Providers: These are specialized method providers who are responsible for defining model-based analysis methods, such as RMA or queuing theory, and technology providers, such as tool vendors, who provide tools and processes that support specific model analysis methods.
  • The diagram of the use cases for these users using MARTE is as follows:


    Scenario Support provided by MARTE
    Software modeling Build real-time and embedded (RTE) software applications and model their non-functional attributes.
    Hardware modeling Build advanced hardware modeling of real-time and embedded (RTE) systems, including their NFPs.
    System architecture design Includes the previously mentioned applicable scenarios for software modeling and hardware modeling, as well as the assigned expansion units.
    Performance analysis It includes the expansion units needed to address real-time and embedded system (RTES) performance evaluation.
    Scheduling analysis It includes the expansion units needed to address real-time and embedded systems (RTES) schedulability analysis.
    Infrastructure providers It includes the extension units necessary to address the definition and/or use of platform-specific services, such as operating system services. This can be used to create a library of RTOS service models, as well as to specify the services required by the platform to support higher-level RT design approaches.
    Methodologist Tools that are in line with the current use case should support all the extension units required for other use cases, which in practice means supporting all the necessary features of MARTE.

    The following table lists the expansion units that need to be supported for each applicable scenario of MARTE

    I hope you have benefited from reading this. If you are willing to share your experience, please submit it to us.

    If you want to learn more about MARTE, you can refer to the following materials.

  • Facts:MARTEL
  • If you would like to learn more:

  • Welcome to the Modelers Channel
  • Also welcome to contact us directly at


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