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Model-based project management
– regression of management from tasks to requirements
Author: Zu Tao (Pitaya System Engineering)
Views    2022-4-1


Model-based project management

What is model-based project management

Why Model-Based Project Management

How model-based project management differs from traditional project management

What tools are needed for model-based project management

How to manage projects based on a model

How-to demo


What is model-based project management

For the analysis and design of complex systems, MBSE engineering methods are generally used to establish corresponding models: business model, system model, data model, software model, deployment model, etc. These models greatly improve the clarity and completeness of descriptions compared to documentation. Model-based project management is all about project planning, progress tracking, quality control, and change management based on these engineering models.

Why Model-Based Project Management

There are many aspects involved in project management, and the common elements are:

•  Requirements: user requirements, system requirements, software requirements

•  Requirements tracking: requirements-design-implementation-testing

•  People: roles, job responsibilities

•  Work Tasks: Task assignments

•  Quality of work: quality standards, quality review

•  Work Progress: Make a plan and track progress

It is necessary to sort out the various management elements of the project based on the model and clarify the relationship between them, so as to lay a good foundation for project management. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between the various elements in project management:

This requires 2 types of models:

1. Engineering model, including:

1)Requirements model: Describe what functional and non-functional requirements there are

2)Design model: describe which logical modules or subsystems implement the requirements.

3)Implementation model: Describe what components need to be developed and how these components are assembled as subsystems.

4)Test model: describes the test scenarios corresponding to the verification requirements and the bugs found.

2. Project model, including:

1)Personnel model: describe who they are, what roles they assume, and what responsibilities they have.

2)Process model: describe the division of roles and workflow sequence throughout the development process.

3)Task model: describes which people the requirements are assigned to and what work tasks they become.

These 2 models should be able to relate to each other, as shown below in the 2 working models based on the modeling tool EA and the correlation between the two.

How model-based project management differs from traditional project management

From a management perspective, project management can be done in two ways:

•  Requirements-based project management: Plans and progress are made based on requirements.

•  Task-based project management: Make plans and track progress based on tasks.

The differences between the two are as follows:

These two management models look similar, but in fact, the core of management is fundamentally different:

•  Requirements-based project management: The core of management is the goal of the project – requirements.

•  Task-based project management: At the heart of management is the worker's behavior—the task.

Which of these two management models is better?

•  Requirements are the goal of the job itself, so it is simple and straightforward to keep the worker in mind what they are doing.

•  The task is based on the worker's decomposition of the goal, not the goal itself, so it is easy to work for the task and lose the goal itself.

Some people may say that even if management is based on requirements, it is not necessary to form tasks when working, so that you can know how to do it. Yes, the task can tell the worker how to work, but this is actually the first thing that people want to advertise when they first start working, the real engineer is to receive the requirements, analyze the requirements clearly, and then take the requirements as the focus of tracking management, and the further work decomposed in order to achieve the requirements belongs to the next level of things. Even for major projects, where some tasks are very important, it cannot be more important than the needs of its source.


At its core, project management is about requirements, not tasks.

Naturally needs-based project management is better project management.

Model-based project management supports both project management models, but is better at requirements-based project management because the complete requirements and the requirements-design-implementation-test tracking relationships are documented in the model.

Here's how we approach 2 project management modes based on the modeling tools EA and WebEA:

1. The task-based approach to project management is as follows:

  • 1)First, identify the project personnel, their roles and responsibilities.
  • 2)The personnel are then assigned the requirements to undertake based on the list of requirements in the requirements model.
  • 3)Then create corresponding work tasks for people based on their needs.
  • 4)Make a time plan based on work tasks.
  • 5)Progress tracking based on work tasks.

  • The requirements-based approach to project management is as follows:

  • 1)First, identify the project personnel, their roles and responsibilities.
  • 2)The personnel are then assigned the requirements to undertake based on the list of requirements in the requirements model.
  • 3)These people automatically correspond to the design, implementation, and testing of requirements according to their responsibilities, but do not explicitly create tasks, but use them as an internal mechanism for their own implementation.
  • 4)Make a time plan based on demand, and then track progress based on demand.

  • Tip: One step less than task-based project management!

    You can compare 2 project management models side by side:


    It's clear: requirements-based based based tracking is much more concise and to the point.

    What tools are needed for model-based project management

    As a more advanced project management model, model-based project management requires powerful tools to support:

    •  Model Library: You should establish a team-shared model library that houses engineering and project models.

    •  Modeling tools: There should be tools that support both engineering modeling (requirements, design, implementation, testing) and project modeling (people, processes, tasks). At the moment we use the modeling tool EA.

    •  Management tools: Should be able to support web-based management, which is easy to access and easy to deploy at scale, and we currently use WebEA.

    •  Supporting tools: Should be able to establish process guidelines, establish tracking relationships for models at each stage, and we are currently using iSpace.

    The following is a brief introduction to WebEA's project management features.

    Web EA allows you to browse, manage, and analyze models in a web browser. Models can be converted into an easy-to-manage form - a list view of requirements that can be sequenced, grouped, assigned, changed management, and quality reviewed. It also supports the tracking of multiple forms of requirements-design-implementation-testing, and statistical analysis of requirements.

    How to manage projects based on a model

    Here's a look at the project management capabilities of EA and WebEA:

    1. Requirements tracking

    2. Assignment of work tasks

    3. Progress tracking

    4. Change management

    5. Quality management

    6. Problem Management

    7. Cross-project workbenches

    1. Requirements Tracking:

    There are 4 types of requirements tracking views that can be supported in WebEA:

    1) Trace Diagram: You can browse the trace diagram between requirements, design, implementation, and testing.

    2) Context diagram: It can generate a tree-shaped context diagram based on the tracking diagram, which has better accommodating capacity and expansion ability.

    3) Tracking table: It can describe the multi-level tracking relationship in the form of a list, which has a more rigorous management form.

    4) Trace Matrix: Describe the tracking relationship between 2 types of requirements-design-implementation-testing in a row-and-column manner.

    2. Assignment of work tasks

    Work assignments can be modeled in a way that is:

    •  Start by modeling a model of the responsibilities assumed by the role

    •  Then build a mapping model of people and roles

    •  People are then assigned work tasks based on the requirements model

    •  Finalize the work task model of the personnel

    3. Progress tracking

    There are 2 simultaneous requirements management modes supported in WebEA:

    1)Demand-based project management: Make plans and track progress based on requirements.

    2)Task-based project management: Make plans and track progress based on tasks.

    For demand-based progress tracking, there are 2 tracking modes:

    •  Time Schedule Tracking: Each work object (requirements, design, implementation, testing) can make a time plan and provide a Gantt chart to track progress.

    •  Status tracking: Each work object (requirements, design, implementation, testing) provides a status configuration, you can customize different status paths, and then set the status for each work object to track progress.

    4. Quality management

    Provide quality management functions for work objects (requirements, design, implementation, testing):

    •  Set different evaluation indicators for different work objects.

    •  The quality review is then carried out, and the relevant questions and conclusions are recorded.

    5. Change Management

    Model-based change management is supported, and related change objects can be associated with requirement objects, and then multiple change browsing views are provided:

    •  Relevant changes from the perspective of requirements: easy to track requirements.

    •  Look at the relevant sources of the change: facilitate the analysis of the impact of the change.

    •  Integrated list of all changes: easy to process and track changes.

    6. Problem Management

    Model-based issue management, which allows you to submit an issue on a model element and then provide a variety of browsing views:

    •  Look at the relevant problems from the perspective of requirements: facilitate the tracking of requirements.

    •  Look at the relevant source from the problem: facilitate the analysis of the impact of the problem.

    •  Integrated list of all issues: easy to handle and track issues.


    7. Cross-project workbenches

    One person is often involved in different projects, so a one-person workbench is also provided to view the requirements, design, implementation, testing, changes, bugs, problems, and tasks related to all the projects that this person is responsible for.

    How-to demo

      Model-Based Project Management - Principles Section

      Model-Based Project Management-Operations Part


    I hope you have benefited from reading this article.

    If you are interested in sharing your experience, please feel free to contribute to us, and if you are interested in our training, consulting and tools, please learn about:

    • Modeling Tools: EA

    • MBSE platform:iSpace

    • Model web browsing tool: WebEA

    • Course: System Design and Modeling Based on SysML and EA

    • Course: System analysis and design based on UML and EA

    • Consulting Solution: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering).

    • Consulting Solution: Model-driven development based on UML

    •  All modeling-related courses:

    •  Consulting Solution: Model-Based Project Management

    If you would like to learn more:

  • Welcome to the Modelers Channel
  • Also welcome to contact us directly at ,010-62670969
  • About the Author:

      Zu Tao , the founder of Pitaya Software Engineering, founded Pitaya Software Engineering in 2001 and IBM Rational User Group in 2004. In 1998, he participated in the national key research project "Component-based Software Reuse for Specific Domains" as a backbone, and was fortunate to learn and use UML for domain modeling and refine reusable components and architectures. In the subsequent R&D projects, the model has been used for analysis and design, and has accumulated some experience and experience. In the past experience, the biggest impression is that the field of software engineering and systems engineering, which has brought together many elite talents, has been a messy and confused state for decades, and from my own experience, I feel that a clear model is the key to clearing the fog of engineering, so I continue to study and apply various modeling techniques, and extract experience from my own engineering practice, and form a sustainable methodology for myself, such as "Nature Model Language- Nature Model Language" Model-based 3D R&D Management", "iProcess Process Improvement Method", "Model-based Requirements Management", "Model-Driven Architecture Design", "Model-Based Quality Management", "Model-based Personnel Capability Management", is currently working as a product manager and architect, conducting the research and development of MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) platform, hoping to establish model-based engineering solutions, and will continue to write some articles in the future, hoping to give some reference to peers.


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