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An overview of the FACE (Future Airborne Capability Environment) architecture
Author  Zu Tao,The content refers to "FACE Technical Standard 3.1"
Date  July 2023
Views   2023-7-12

1. Introduction to FACE

FACE is an abbreviation for Future Airborne Capability Environment.

The purpose of FACE is to establish an integrated framework for avionics airborne systems so that suppliers of different subsystems can be easily interconnected, improving the opportunity for resource reuse, with the ultimate goal of reducing the development cost, integration cost and delivery time of avionics capabilities.

FACE has been adopted by the United States Office of Naval Aviation Air Warfare Electronics Program (PMA-209), Army Program Executive Office (PEO) Aviation (AVN), Army Center for Aviation and Missile Research, Development and Engineering (AMRDEC), and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL).

This article will provide an overview of the content of the FACE architecture, including the following:

•  Segmentation of FACE's logical architecture

•  Standardized interface for FACE

•  FACE's data architecture

•  An example of a reference architecture segment for FACE

•  Compiler language runtime

•  Component frameworks

•  Profiles of operating system segments

• UoC and UoP (Consistency Units and Portable Units)

2.Segmentation of the FACE architecture

The FACE reference architecture consists of logical segments that have changed. The structure created by these segments connected together is the basis of the FACE reference architecture.

The five segments of the FACE reference architecture are as follows:

1. Operating System Segment (OSS)

2. Input/Output Services Segment (IOSS)

3. Platform-Specific Services Segment (PSSS)

4. Transport Services Segment (TSS)

5. Portable Components Segment (PCS)


The following are the functions of each architecture segment

Operating System Segment (OSS) It provides system services, which can adapt to various operating systems, and provides common basic services, such as operation scheduling, network services, device services, component management, and configuration services.
Input/Output Services Segment (IOSS) Provides an abstraction of hardware drivers and focuses on interface data rather than hardware and software drivers.
Platform-Specific Services Segment (PSSS) Provide platform-related services, including:
? Platform-Specific Device Services (PSDS): Supports the conversion between data management and platform-specific interface control documents (ICDs) and FACE UoP delivery models (USMs).
? Platform-specific public services (PSCS): Includes log services, Device Protocol Mediation (DPM) services, streaming media, health monitoring and fault management (HMFM), and configuration services.
? Platform-Specific Graphics Services (PSGS): Abstract the interface details of graphics processing units (GPUs) and other graphics devices from software components in the FACE reference architecture.
Transport Services Segment (TSS) To provide communication services. Abstract transport mechanisms and data access from software components to integrate into different architectures and platforms using different transport methods. Data distribution between TSS PCS and/or PSSS UoCs. TSS features include, but are not limited to, distribution and routing, prioritization, addressability, association, abstraction, transformation, and component state persistence of software component interface information.
Portable Components Segment (PCS) Consists of software components that provide functionality and business logic. PCS components are portable and interoperable, so they are hardware agnostic and cannot be tied to any data transfer or operating system implementation.

3.Standardized interface for FACE

The FACE reference architecture defines a standardized set of interfaces that provide connectivity between segments of the FACE architecture. The standardized interfaces in the FACE reference architecture are the Operating System Segment Interface (OSS Interface), the I/O Service Interface (IOS Interface), the Transport Service Interface, and the Component-Oriented Support Interface. Software references to these standardized interfaces can be established at initialization, startup, runtime, etc.
Interface type illustrate

Operating system segment interface The OSS interface provides a standardized way for software to use services and other OSS-related features within the operating system. OSS interfaces are provided by OSS UoC to UoCs on other network segments. The interface includes arinc653, POSIX?, and HMFM APIs. OSS interfaces can optionally include one or more of the following networking functions: programming language runtime, component framework, lifecycle management, and configuration service interfaces.

Input/output service interfaces The IOS interface provides a standardized way for software components to communicate with device drivers. The interface supports several common I/O bus architectures.
Transport service interfaces The Transport Services Interface provides a standardized way for software to use the communication services provided by TSS. A specific type (TS) interface is provided by a software component within the TSS and is used for communication with the software components within PSSS and PCS. The FACE data architecture manages the representation of data traversing the transport service interface.
Component-oriented support interfaces Component-oriented support interfaces include injectable interfaces and lifecycle management service interfaces, which are FACE standardized interfaces for cross-cutting concerns of component support.
Injectable interface Injectable interfaces provide a standardized way for integrated software to address the inherent usage/provision interface dependencies between software components. In order for a software component to use an interface, it must be integrated in the same address space as at least one software component that provides the interface. The injectable interface implements the dependency injection idiom of software development.
Lifecycle Management Service Interface The Lifecycle Management (LCM) service interface provides a standardized way for software components to support behavior consistent with the component framework: initialization, configuration, framework start/teardown, and operational state transitions. The LCM service interface can be optionally provided by software components in any FACE reference architecture segment and can be selectively used by a system integration implementation or software components in any FACE reference architecture segment.

1.1 FACE Data Architecture

The FACE data schema is clearly defined in the FACE specification, and the definition of the FACE data schema includes the following parts :

•  The FACE Data Model Language leverages Open UDDL (Open Universal Domain Description Language) to define the SDM (Shared Data Model) for FACE and the USM (UoP (Portability Unit) for the provided model

•  Define the FACE data model language, specified by the EMOF (Basic Meta-Object Facility) metamodel and a set of OCL (Object Constraint Language) constraints

• Define a template language to specify the representation of data elements across key FACE interfaces

• Define the FACE Data Model Language Binding Specification, describing how the elements specified in the Open UDDL technical standard are mapped to data types and/or structures for each supported programming language

• Provides SDM to allow the use of standardized definitions across all FACE conformance data models

•  Define the build rules for USM

Each PCS UoC, PSSS UoC, or TSS UoC that uses the TS interface comes with a USM that is consistent with the FACE SDM and defines its interface according to the FACE Data Model Language. A domain-specific Data Model (DSDM) captures content related to the domain of interest and can be used as the basis for a USM. The DSDM must be consistent with the FACE SDM.

FACE Data Model Language

The FACE data model language forces a multi-level approach to modeling entities and their associations at the conceptual, logical, and platform levels, supporting progressive and varying degrees of abstraction. Entities, their characteristics, and associations provide context for defining the view specification for data exchange between UoPs.

The FACE Data Model Language supports the modeling of abstract UoPs, provides a canonical mechanism for sourcing or defining elements based on FACE technical standards, and can be used in other reference architectures. To address the integration problem between UoPs, the FACE data model language provides elements that describe the high-level connections, routing, and transformations to be embodied in the transport service instance.

The FACE technical standard contains different representations of the FACE data model language::

•  Lists of text generated from metamodels ;

•  Extensible Markup Language (XML) Metadata Exchange (XML) manifests exported from the metamodel, which need to conform to the appropriate EMOF.

Data architecture governance

The FACE SDM Governance Plan specifies the authority and operating parameters of the FACE SDM Configuration Control Board (CCB). The FACE SDM governance program manages growth through expansion and ensures the necessary alignment of new SDM elements. SDM consists of basic elements and any extensions in the Conceptual Data Model (CDM), Logical Data Model (LDM), and Platform Data Model (PDM). The FACE SDM Governance Program details a complete process, set of rules, and roles and responsibilities for FACE SDM CCBs, vendors, and system integrators.

1.2 Example of a reference architecture segment for FACE

Here's an example of an application based on the FACE architecture:


There is a simple system that receives navigation data from a Global Positioning System (GPS) device and provides its own ship position symbol to the display via MIL-STD-1553 interface hardware. The software is implemented as several components designed for reuse and portability.

The following describes the relationships between the various FACE sections within the example system:

location Function
Peripherals Under the FACE Boundary, GPS devices collect sensor data and pass navigation data in a device-specific format to a MIL-STD-1553 compliant bus. Device drivers are written to specific MIL-STD-1553 hardware, and the data format is specific to the GPS device.
OSS Within the "FACE Boundary", OSS provides a set of public APIs and FACE operating system services. This allows software that conforms to FACE's operating system interface specification to run on top of many different FACE OS implementations.
IOSS Data from device drivers can be accessed using common operating system APIs, and at the time of access, unique implementations can be converted into a standardized format by services in IOSS to abstract the uniqueness of MIL-STD-1553 devices. This abstraction allows software that uses the same external devices to be deployed on systems that use different I/O devices.

PSSS The I/O service passes this data to PSSS through a standardized interface defined by the FACE technology standard, in this case the GPS platform device service. This device service provides an abstraction of a specific GPS communication, typically described in the ICD of that device, and converts this data into a standard structure and semantics according to the FACE data architecture.

TSS This data is transferred by the Transport Service Capability and Distribution Capability to the software component that needs the data to be processed, in this case, the Own Ship Position PCS component, depending on the configuration. In this example, the transport service leverages the transport mechanisms provided by OSS, specifically POSIX sockets. All data to and from the PCS is routed through the TSS.

PCS This Own Ship Position component computes the graphical symbol and sends it back through the transport service using a well-defined graphical language. In this case, TSS is configured to distribute these graphics messages to a platform-specific graphics service in PSSS. The platform-specific graphics service then draws to the display through the graphics driver.

This scenario highlights how to use the FACE reference architecture to isolate changes to the system. For example:

•  If a GPS device is replaced with a different GPS, the relevant platform device service will be replaced or modified.

•  If the MIL-STD-1553 bus is changed, then the I/O service will be replaced or modified.

•  If the transfer mechanism is changed, the transfer service will be replaced or modified.

In all of these cases, the portable component is isolated from these changes.

1.3 Programming Language Run-Times

In order to achieve the goals of the FACE reference architecture, the programming language runtime also needs to be considered. The FACE technical standard imposes limitations on programming languages. The use of standardized programming languages is fundamental to building portability. The FACE programming language runtime mechanism selects more common programming languages such as C, C++, Ada, and Java as alternative programming languages. The programming language runtime can be provided as part of OSS or included in a software component that resides in another section.

The interface between the operating system and software components can be replaced or enhanced with a programming language runtime. The POSIX API set is typically provided in the form of a programming language runtime.

1.4 Component Frameworks

The FACE technical standard supports the use of component frameworks. Component frameworks provide supporting functionality for software components. There are three ways to use the component framework in the FACE reference architecture:

• Component framework provided by OSS (Operating System Segment)
The component framework is provided as part of OSS. The component framework provided by OSS extends the OSS interface to include the component framework's own APIs. The component framework provided by OSS is limited to the component framework specified in the OSS interface requirements.

•  Component framework inside the PCS or PSSS UoC
The complete component framework is an integral part of the PCS or PSSS UoC and follows the permissible PCS and PSSS interfaces. This approach takes advantage of the convenience of component framework development and allows for FACE alignment, but can have an impact on performance, integration, and/or resources.

•  Component framework that implements the FACE reference architecture The component framework used
across multiple FACE segments implements the Framework Support Capability (FSC). FSC is an abstraction that converts a component framework interface into a FACE-oriented interface.

OSS and TSS support common frameworks, allowing software to be developed in compliance with both component frameworks and FACE technology standards.

1.5 Operating System Segment Profile

The FACE reference architecture defines three FACE OSS Profiles to tailor operating system (OS) APIs, programming languages, programming language features, runtimes, frameworks, and graphics capabilities to meet the needs of critical software components at different levels. The three FACE OSS Profiles are:

•  Security
•  Safety
•  Base
•  Extended
•  General Purpose

The limitations of the OS API and each profile are illustrated in the following diagram:


Figure 3: FACE OSS Profile Diagram


Here's a description of each FACE OSS profile:

FACE OSS Profile illustrate
Security profile Limiting operating system APIs to the smallest useful set allows evaluation of high-assurance security features performed in a single address space (for example, a POSIX process or an ARINC 653 partition). Security Profile requires ARINC 653 support.
Safety Profile The Safety Profile is less restrictive than the Security Profile and restricts the operating system APIs to those with a security certificate family tree. The Safety Profile consists of two sub-profiles:
•  The Safety Base Sub-profile supports a single POSIX process application with a broader set of operating system APIs than the Security Profile.
•  Safety Extended Sub-profile includes all Safety Base Sub-profile OS APIs, as well as additional OS APIs and optional support for multiple POSIX processes.
Safety Profile requires ARINC 653 support.
General Purpose Profile The General Purpose Profile is the least constrained profile that supports operating system APIs that meet real-time deterministic or non-real-time non-deterministic needs, depending on the implementation of the system or subsystem. ARINC 653 support and multiple POSIX processes are optional

Tip: Although the naming of Security and Safety Profiles reflects their primary design focus, their use is not limited to services with these needs (i.e., software components that do not have safety or security design concerns can be restricted to using only one of these profiles' operating system APIs).。

1.6 UoC and UoP (Consistency Unit and Portability Unit)

A unit of conformance (UoC) is a software component or domain-specific data model designed to meet the applicable requirements defined in the FACE technical standard. It is referenced as a UoC at any stage of its development and becomes a UoC for FACE certification upon completion of the FACE conformance process. The FACE technical standard contains separate requirements for each FACE segment and for the UoC in each FACE OSS Porfile.

A Portability Unit (UoP) is a UoC that resides in a PCS or PSSS.

Fig. Communication between and within UoCs in PCS

UoC packages can be used to contain features that are made up of multiple UoCs. UoC packages that comply with FACE technical standards can be developed in accordance with FACE's UoC specifications.



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About the Author:

Zu Tao, the founder of Dragon Fruit Software Engineering, founded Dragon Fruit Software Engineering in 2001 and IBM Rational User Group in 2004. In 1998, he participated in the national key research project "Component-based Software Reuse for Specific Domains" as a backbone, and was fortunate to learn and use UML for domain modeling and refine reusable components and architectures. In the subsequent R&D projects, the model has been used for analysis and design, and has accumulated some experience and experience. In the past experience, the biggest impression is that the field of software engineering and systems engineering, which has brought together many elite talents, has been a messy and confused state for decades, and from my own experience, I feel that a clear model is the key to clearing the fog of engineering, so I continue to study and apply various modeling techniques, and extract experience from my own engineering practice, and form a sustainable methodology for myself, such as "Nature Model Language- Nature Model Language" Model-based 3D R&D Management", "iProcess Process Improvement Method", "Model-based Requirements Management", "Model-Driven Architecture Design", "Model-Based Quality Management", "Model-based Personnel Capability Management", is currently working as a product manager and architect, conducting the research and development of MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering) platform, hoping to establish model-based engineering solutions, and will continue to write some articles in the future, hoping to give some reference to peers.


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