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DODAF, MODAF and UAF modeling and related toolchains
Author: Zu Tao (pitaya Software Engineering)
Views    2024-1-31

1. Introduction to DODAF, MODAF and UAF

The most common system reference architectures in the military field are:

  • DODAF is the architecture reference framework for the United States Department of Defense
  • MODAF is the architecture reference framework for the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence
  • NAF is NATO's architectural frame of reference
  • UAF unifies the architectural frameworks of DODAF, MODAF, and NAF

DODAF is the earliest military domain reference framework and the reference foundation for other architectural frameworks, DODAF provides eight perspectives on architecture, as follows:

OMG provides the Architecture Modeling Specification UPDM for DODAF based on UML and Sys ML, providing a common modeling language for architecture modeling.

UAF has also established a corresponding UAF modeling language on the basis of UPDM.

2.Introduction to the Modeling Tool EA

The modeling tool EA is currently the most popular tool, which has been widely used in the fields of automotive electronics, aerospace, shipbuilding, rail transit, enterprise informatization, system engineering, and software engineering, and has accumulated a large number of users and cases.

The modeling tool EA also provides modeling support for DODAF and MODAF, including support for the corresponding modeling language UPDM, and provides corresponding modeling wizards and model legends.

The modeling tool EA also provides modeling support for UAF, including support for the corresponding modeling language UAFML and provide the corresponding modeling wizard and model legend.

The following is a brief introduction to the modeling support provided by the modeling tool EA for DODAF, MODAF, UAF.

3.Modeling and modeling of DODAF

The modeling tool EA provides a model framework and modeling wizard for DODAF.

3.1 DODAF Model Framework

The DODAF model framework in the modeling tool EA covers 8 viewpoints, 52 models of DODAF, as follows:

The DODAF model framework in the modeling tool EA also provides a brief legend, as shown below in a screenshot of the DODAF legend:

3.2 DODAF Modeling Examples

A model legend for the DODAF classic modeling case SAR (Maritime Search and Rescue) is also available in the modeling tool EA, and the following is the range of model examples covered by SAR.

Here are some screenshots of the model legend:

Global Viewpoint - Architecture Description - Metrics

Strategic Perspectives - Mapping of capabilities to operational activities

3.3 Modeling Wizard

The modeling tool EA also provides the DODAF Modeling Wizard, including:

•  Workflow for DODAF architecture modeling

•  Model examples for DODAF architecture modeling.

4. Modeling and Modeling of MODAF

4.1 Model Framework

The MODAF model framework in the modeling tool EA covers 7 viewpoints, 43 models of MODAF, as follows:

The MODAF model framework in the modeling tool EA also provides a brief legend, as shown in a screenshot of the MODAF legend below:

4.2 Modeling Wizard

The modeling tool EA also provides the MODAF Modeling Wizard, including:

•  MODAF architecture modeling workflow

•  Model examples for modeling MODAF architectures.

5. Modeling and Modeling of UAF

The modeling tool EA provides a model framework, model instances, and modeling wizards for UAF.

5.1 UAF Model Framework

The UAF Model Framework in the Modeling Tools EA covers models from UAF's 13 viewpoints and provides a library of UAF metrics as follows:

5.2 Model Examples

UAF modeling examples are also available in the modeling tool EA, which are covered by model examples of SAR below

The UAF model framework in the modeling tool EA also provides a brief legend, as shown below in a screenshot of the UAF legend:

Fig. Safe Premises Service Function Process

Fig. Cyber resilience analysis context

Fig. A diagram of web resource links

5.3 UAF Modeling Wizard

The Modeling Tool EA also provides a modeling wizard for UAF architecture modeling, including:

•  Workflow for UAF architecture modeling

•  Model examples for UAF architecture modeling

6. Introduction to the Architecture Engineering (DODAF, MODAF, UAF) toolchain

In order to effectively support the architecture engineering of DODAF, MODAF and UAF, it is necessary to establish a complete set of engineering environment around the model, so that the model can support specific work and realize the continuous accumulation and development of the architecture. To this end, we offer a complete DODAF, MODAF and UAF toolchain, with a brief table of contents as follows:

DODAF Work Scenario Supported tools:
1. Establish a DODAF process guide iSpace
2. Build a DODAF model EA or iSpace
3. Modeling Wizard: DODAF, MODAF, UAF Modeling Wizard
4. Automatic Modeler AutoModeler
5. Generate DODAF architecture documentation DocGenerator
6. Architecture Quality Review iNspector
7. Simulate the system Simulator
8. Build a model library and establish a continuous accumulation mechanism ModelCenter
9. Publish the model, use the model, and review the model WebEA

Here's a brief overview of the system simulations, process guides, and model libraries that are part of it.

6.1 Model simulation of multi-system cooperation

After establishing the architecture based on DODAF, the system needs to be simulated and verified, and the multi-system simulator provides system-level simulation capabilities, which can simulate the cooperation of multiple systems to complete operations and realize capabilities. Based on simulation, the correctness and completeness of the architecture can be verified.

6.2 Modeling Guide: iSpace

DODA F, MODAF, UAF modeling is a complex and long-term process, so the current specification also regards the architecture development process as part of MBSE, and it is necessary to provide corresponding process guidance models, and track and manage processes, deliverables, and roles. The MBSE platform iSpace provides the following process support for DODAF and UAF:

•  Guidance on the architecture design process

•  Relevant roles and responsibilities

•  Various models, documents, and tracking relationships delivered

The following is a screenshot of the process guide interface of iSpace's DODAF:

Here's a screenshot of the artifact model for iSpace's DODAF:

6.3 Model Library: ModelCenter

Complex architecture engineering is not something that can be successfully achieved by a few people in a short period of time, but requires team cooperation and long-term accumulation, and the continuous construction of corresponding specifications, which requires a model library that can support complex architecture. To this end, we provide a library of multidimensional models that can be stored and provide convenient online management.

DODAF, MODAF, UAF models can be established in the multi-dimensional engineering model library, and the association of multiple models can be realized. Managers can review the model and then publish it, using the architecture model as a resource for business analysis, system construction, and personnel development. This is the key to realizing the value of DODAF, MODAF, UAF models.

6.4 Model Publishing: WebEA

Models can be published through WebEA, so that everyone can browse the model, use the model, and provide feedback mechanism to the model through the web page, so that the model can become a reference and basis for daily work.

For the full toolchain, please visit:



I hope you have benefited from reading this.

If you are willing to share your experience, please submit it to us.

If you are interested in our training, consulting and tools:

•  Modeling Tools: EA

•  Model web browsing tool: WebEA

•  MBSE platform: iSpace

•  Course: DoDAF Specifications, Models, and Examples

•  Course: UAF Architecture and Practice

•  Course: System Design and Modeling Based on SysML and EA

•  Consulting Proposal: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering).

•  Consulting Proposal: Modeling Project Undertaking (

If you would like to learn more:

About the Author:

Zu Tao, the founder of Dragon Fruit Software Engineering, founded Dragon Fruit Software Engineering in 2001 and the IBM Rational User Group in 2004. In 1998, he participated in the national key research project "Component-based Software Reuse for Specific Domains" as a backbone, and was fortunate to learn and use UML for domain modeling and refine reusable components and architectures. In the subsequent R&D projects, the model has been used for analysis and design, and has accumulated some experience and experience. Over the past 20 years, I have been focusing on MBSE, familiar with UML, Sys ML, ArchiMate, BPMN, UPDM, DataModel and other modeling languages and specifications, in the past experience, the biggest feeling is that the field of software engineering and systems engineering, which has brought together many elite talents, has been a messy and confused state for decades. And from their own engineering practice to extract experience, the formation of their own sustainable methodology, such as "Natural Language-based Modeling Language NML", "MBSE from Method to Practice Guide", "Model-based 3D R&D Management", "Model-based Requirements Management", "Model-Driven Architecture Design", "Model-based Quality Management", "Model-based Personnel Capability Management", "iProcess Process Improvement Method", and is currently working on MBSE as a product manager and architect The research and development of the (model-based systems engineering) platform hopes to establish model-based engineering solutions, and will continue to write some articles in the future, hoping to give some reference to peers.






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