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Mapping of Class Diagrams and Code (C++)
Zu Tao ,Pitaya System Engineering
Views    2024-4-29 

The class diagram is the main modeling form of code structure, and in order to make the reader see it more vividly, the mapping relationship between the class diagram and the code is introduced in the form of a legend.

Here's a legend for a design class diagram:

The following is a class diagram and a code example (C++ code) of the relationships between classes:

1) Association

2) Aggregation

3) Composition

4) Generalization

5) Realization

6) Dependency

Relationship of Classes:


The Driver can drive the Car, and the relationship between the two has been around for a long time.

#include "Car.h"

class Driver

      virtual ~Driver();
      Car *m_Car; //assocation关系

  void Drive();

      int name;
      int age;




Car aggregates wheels, and wheels can exist independently of cars.

class Car : public Device

public :
      Car ();
      virtual ~ Car ();
      Wheel * m_Wheel ; //aggregation 关系
      Motor m_Motor ;
      void Move ();
private :
      int mass ;
      int rate ;



Car contains Motor, which is an integral part of Car.

#include "Wheel.h"
class Car : public Device
public :
      Car ();
      virtual ~ Car ();
      Wheel * m_Wheel ;
      Motor m_Motor ; //composition 关系
      void Move ();
private :
      int mass ;
      int rate ;




Motor and Wheel are subclasses of Device, inheriting the properties of Device: id and state, methods: Start() and Stop()

#include "Device.h"
class Wheel : public Device
public :
      Wheel ();
      virtual ~ Wheel ();
      void Rotate ();
private :
      int radius ;
      int width ;




Device implements the Start() and Stop() methods of the Runnable interface.


#include "Runnable.h"
class Device : public Runnable //Realization 关系
public :
      Device ();
      virtual ~ Device ();
      int id ;
      int state ;
      void Start ();
      void Stop ();



The car's move operation relies on enviroment

#include "Wheel.h"
#include "environment.h"
class Car
public :
      Car ();
      virtual ~ Car ();
      Wheel * m_Wheel ;
      Motor * m_Motor ;
      void Move ( enviroment e ); //dependency 关系
private :
      int mass ;
      int rate ;



Note: The model in this article uses the modeling tool EA to model and generate code.

UML Diagram Series:

1.UML Overview
2.Use Case Diagram
3.Activity Diagram
4.Class Diagram
5.Object Diagram
6.Sequence Diagram
7.Interpretation of the Mapping Relationship between Class Diagram and Code (C++)



I hope you have benefited from reading this.

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  • Course: Analytical design based on UML and EA  
  • Course: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering)  
  • Course: Model-Based Requirements Management) Methods and Practices
  • Course: System Design and Modeling Based on SysML and EA
  • Course: Enterprise Architecture Modeling
  • Course: System Architecture Modeling Methods and Cases
  • Course: Domain-Driven Modeling and Design
  • Course: Model-Based Design
  • Course: Business Modeling and Business Analysis
  • Modeling tool: EA
  • Model-based requirements management tool: iSpace
  • Consulting Solution: MBSE (Model-Based Systems Engineering)
  • Consulting Solution: Model-Driven Development Based on UML
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