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Courses > Modeling
EA tools and architecture design
Zu Tao
Founder of Pitaya Software Engineering
Time Location: Beijing, October 30-31; Shenzhen and Shenzhen open classes Based on registration
Course Cost:1300 $/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    This course mainly introduces UML tools, modeling techniques in requirements analysis (using EA tools to complete requirements modeling, focusing on the use of use case diagrams, activity diagrams and state diagrams, how package diagrams organize use case diagrams, and how use case diagrams can be extended to complete quality and environmental requirements), modeling techniques in summary design (i.e., software architecture design, focusing on the use of component diagrams, deployment diagrams, and composite structure diagrams in architecture design, and how to extend UML models to complete the architecture design of large systems). Modeling techniques in detailed design (using class diagrams, object diagrams, state diagrams, timing diagrams, or collaboration diagrams in EA tools to complete detailed design, and introducing the design of detailed algorithm diagrams).

    Training Target: Software architects, software designers, senior software development engineers
    Student Foundation: at least 2 years of development experience, with a basic knowledge of object-oriented programming. Hands-on project experience.
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% practice exercise

    Training Content: 2 Days
    UML Tools
    Selection of UML model diagrams in design (reasonable selection of UML models in different scenarios of software development)
    - Application range of 13 types of diagrams in UML
    - Minimal UML Modeling ICONIX
    - Feature-Driven Modeling (FDD)
    - Maximum UML Modeling RUP
    - Model-Driven Development (MDD) and Implementation Standards (MDA)
    - Agile Model-Driven Development (AMDD)

    Relationship between UML model and software documentation
    - Proportion of UML model for software documentation
    - Automatic generation of software documentation by UML tools
    - Definition of software document templates in UML tools
    - Versions and baselines of software documentation
    - Publishing UML models to the portal

    Extending UML Tools
    - UML Metamodel
    - Metamodel of Software Architecture
    - Metamodel of OCL
    - Extending UML Appearance
    - Extending UML Structuring Prototypes
    - Extending UML Programming
    - Extensions
    to UML profiles - Introduction to UML add-ins (TOGAF, DODAF, etc.)

    EA Tools Team Member Management
    - Project Author Management
    - Team Role Management
    - Team Human Resources Management
    - Member Client Management
    - Team Permissions Management

    Team Online Design
    - Deploy the server side and build the team database
    - Client creates a team design project
    - Client connects to the team design project
    - Team Design Rules
    - Protect your own design results

    Team Offline Design
    - Design Project Cutting
    - Assigning Design Tasks
    - Merging the Outcomes of Various Design Tasks
    - Design Task Cutting Strength

    Interface with configuration management tools
    - Establish a design configuration library
    - Connect to configuration management tools
    - Designers check out design models
    - Design model comparison analysis
    - Establish and maintain design baselines
    - Establish tracking relationships between models
    - Complete tracking multi-versioning
    - EA swaps models with other tools

    Modeling techniques in requirements analysis (using EA tools to complete requirements modeling, focusing on the use of use case diagrams, activity diagrams and state diagrams, how package diagrams organize use case diagrams, and how use case diagrams can be extended to achieve quality and environmental requirements) Basic analysis
    based on the use case - Extracting the executor from the organizational structure and business requirements
    - Analyzing the executor's use case
    - Decomposing the composite use case into atomic use cases
    - Atomic use case description (basic snap-in)
    - Composite use case description
    - How the functional use case is
    - Discussion study: How is the granularity of business functional use cases controlled?

    Advanced Use Case-Based Analysis
    - Analyze Use Case Path Repeatability - Include Use Cases
    - Analyze Use Case Path Similarity - Generalize Use Cases
    - Analyze Use Case Path Scalability
    - Extended Use Cases - Use Case Refactoring
    - Case Studies: Perform advanced analysis against actual customer examples

    Business Scenario (Path) Analysis
    - Basic business scenarios (sequential scenarios or paths)
    - Business alternative scenarios (branching scenarios or paths)
    - Business exception scenarios
    - Use activity diagrams or sequence diagrams to describe business scenarios

    Business Entity Analysis
    - Glossary Relationships with Business Entities
    - Functional Use Cases and Business Entity Relationships
    - Business Entity Reference Identifiers (only the Business Entity ID needs to be referenced in the use case document)
    - Business Entity Field Information Description

    Business Rules Analysis
    - Business Object Rule Analysis
    - Business rule description (object constraint language, OCL, natural business language)
    - Business rule composition (business language, mathematical language, and keywords)
    - Business rule categories (derivation, constraints, and existence)
    - Ambiguous business rules
    - Business rule reference ID (only need to reference the business rule ID in the use case document)

    Quality Requirements Analysis (Non-Functional Requirements - Quality Requirements)
    - List of quality attributes that the user is interested in
    - Decomposition of quality attributes from the user's perspective
    - Descriptive description of quality attributes
    - Quantitative description of quality attributes
    - Extension of UML tools to build a quality utility tree model

    Environmental Requirements Analysis (Non-Functional Requirements - Environmental Requirements)
    - Users pay attention to software environmental factors
    - Software Environment Requirements Analysis
    - Hardware and Network Environment Requirements Analysis
    - Integrated Environment Requirements Analysis
    - Extend UML tools to complete environmental utility tree modeling

    Writing the Requirements Specification
    - Writing the Grammar and Syntax of the Requirements Specification
    by Writing - Using the Business Vocabulary in the Glossary
    to Describe Requirements - Pitfalls of Writing Requirements Specifications
    - Graphic Ratio of Requirements Specifications
    - Customizing Requirements Document Templates
    - UML tools automatically generate Requirements Specifications

    Modeling technology in the outline design (i.e., software architecture design, focusing on the use of component diagrams, deployment diagrams, and composite structure diagrams in architecture design, and how to extend the UML model to complete the architecture design of large-scale systems Outline Design Preparation Phase (Global Analysis)
    - Analyze the scope of the software project or product (domain scope vs. functional scope)
    - Analyze the constraints of the software project or product (quality constraints vs. environmental constraints)
    - Analyze software Factors that change the project or product (key factors vs. risk factors)
    - Analyze whether the company's existing assets can be reused in projects or products
    - Analyze the international standards required for a software project or product
    - Complete a robustness analysis of the use cases in the Requirements Specification (Object Analysis)
    - Paraphrasing the use case scenario in the Requirements Specification (Behavioral Analysis)
    - Collation of local analysis results (analysis)

    Basic Design of Outline Design
    - Extracting the constituent elements of the software architecture (hereinafter referred to as the architecture elements)
    - Designing interfaces for software architecture elements
    - Designing the variables inside the software architecture elements (completing the extensibility and maintainability design of the architecture elements)
    - Designing the correlation between the software architecture elements
    - Organize the architecture of software architecture elements (hierarchical, bus, and cloud)

    High-level design of high-level design
    - Software system resource management design (10 architectural patterns of resource planning)
    - Software system distribution management design
    - Parallel design of software systems (distributed computing, SAAS and cloud computing)
    - Software architecture element management design (software architecture elements are managed in a framework as plug-ins)
    - Use UML tools to express higher-order architectural designs

    Support design of summary design
    - Data structure design of software architecture elements (data persistence design)
    - Communication protocol design of software architecture elements
    - Deployment and maintenance design of software architecture elements
    - Software system code structure planning

    Key Quality Design of Outline Design
    - High Reliability Design of Software System
    - High Performance Design of Software System
    - Security Design
    of Software System - Experiential Design of Software System

    Documentation of Outline Design
    - Defining Software Profile Templates Using EA Tools
    - Uniform Software Profile Writing Specifications
    - UML Drawing Scale in Software Profile Documentation
    - Automatically generating Outline Design Documents using UML tools

    Modeling techniques in detailed design (using class diagrams, object diagrams, state diagrams, timing diagrams, or collaboration diagrams in EA tools to complete detailed design, and introduce the design of detailed algorithm diagrams)

    Business Entity Design
    - ORM Design Patterns (Behavior Patterns, Structural Patterns, and Metadata Patterns)
    - Business Entity Attribute Design
    - Business Entity Association and Inheritance Design
    - Business entity change analysis to complete scalable business entity design
    - Business entity object caching design (in-memory database vs. business entity storage relationship)

    Design of business components
    - Design of business interfaces in business components
    - Design of business invocation relationships in business components
    - Design of business class changes in business components (design patterns and configuration files)
    - Collaborative design between business components (interface design specification convention)
    - Design of integration of business components with other application interfaces (business release design)
    - Implementation of business components (Java, . NET)

    Business Process Orchestration Design
    - Business Component Orchestration Design (BPEL Design in EA Tools)
    - Transaction Design in Business Components
    - Data-Based Workflow Design
    - Activity-Based Workflow Design

    - State-Based Workflow Design - Message-based Workflow Design

    User interface planning
    and design - User-centered design specifications
    - Using EA tools to complete UI prototyping
    - UI design tools to assist EA tools
    - UI component navigation design
    - UI component container design
    - UI component security, performance, and reliability design

    Detailed database design
    - Basic database design principles (paradigm principle, OO principle)
    - Scalability data table design
    - Database partition design
    - Database sharding design

    - Database transaction design - Database connection design

    Code structure design
    - Multi-person collaborative programming model and UML model
    - UML model generation files and folders
    - Detailed design is automatically converted into code
    - Detailed design and code synchronization -
    Database design and database synchronization
    - Timing diagram and code relationship

    Detailed Design Documentation
    - Define detailed design document templates
    - EA tools automatically generate detailed design documentation
    - Algorithm details in detailed design documentation
    - Detailed design documentation and project plan


    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,