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Courses > Modeling
Use PowerDesigner for object-oriented modeling
Mr. Cai
He has more than 10 years of experience in software development, design and modeling, and is proficient in PD relational modeling and object modeling
Time Location: Beijing, Shenzhen and Shenzhen open classes Based on registration
Course Cost:1000 $/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    This hands-on course teaches students how to use PowerDesigner to model object-oriented systems and how to import information from those systems into a database. Learn to build an object-oriented model using PowerDesigner with existing system descriptions. It will also benefit PowerDesigner's reverse engineering and code generation capabilities to generate conceptual and physical data models, as well as transfer modeling information between models.

    Training Features:

    • Object-oriented analysis and design from an appropriate perspective
    • Use and interpret UML model symbols
    • Gather the information you need to design the class structure
    • Establish and manage object-oriented models
    • Generate logical and physical data models
    • Generate code
    • Reverse engineer existing R code

    Training Goal:

    By the end of this course, participants should be able to:
    • Understand why model-based data governance is essential
    • Learn what model-based data governance has to offer
    • The modeling environment needed for data governance
    • Data governance: Investigation and modeling of the current state of data
    • Data Governance: Business Modeling
    • Data Governance: Data modeling
    • Data Governance: Systems Modeling
    • Data Management Maturity Assessment
    • Data architecture design and modeling
    • Modeling of data management systems
    • Data middle platform design
    • Data governance implementation planning

    Training Target:This course is intended for analysts, designers, and developers who specialize in object-oriented systems.
    Student Foundation: Basic concepts of object-orientation , the concept of relational databases, understanding the entity relationship (ER) data model and data paradigm theory.
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% practice exercise

    Training Content: 2 Days
    • Architecture for the development of modern systems
    • Partitioning of System Architecture (UML)
    • Object-oriented modeling
    • Create and manage object models in PowerDesigner
    • Build a class
    • Contacts in PowerDesigner
    • Reverse engineering
    • Generate logical and physical models

    Consulting services: Database design and performance optimization
    Consulting objective Perform performance evaluation, design optimization and management optimization of customer database
    Scope of consultation Database performance evaluation, database structure optimization, data access SQL optimization.
    Consultation method Existing database investigation, problem diagnosis, performance evaluation
    The logical structure of the database is optimized, and the access SQL of the database is optimized.
    Establish database operation monitoring platform. Operation monitoring and optimization method guidance.
    successful case China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, AVIC
    For more information:010-62670969,