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Courses > Modeling
Use EA for Business Modeling
ith 17 years of industry experience, he has designed and modeled business architecture for banking, telecommunications, and power industries
Time Location: Beijing, Shenzhen and Shenzhen open classes Based on registration
Course Cost:1300$/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    The understanding of the business requires a panoramic view, from the division of domains to the analysis of the business elements of each business area: processes, resources, functions, components, economics. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the business and effectively define system requirements to establish the foundation and direction for the long-term development of the business.
    • Learn about the internationalized business architecture modeling view and methodology
    • Learn about EA, a business modeling tool
    • Learn about the business model planning process
    • Learn about business model documentation
    • Learn to use EA to build a complete business model
      1. Business domain view
      2. Business function view
      3. Business process view vs. resource view
      4. Business economic view and componentized view
    Training Target: Requirements Analysts, Business Planners, Business Architects, Business Analysts
    Student Basis: Experience in business analysis and document writing
    Teaching method: customized course + case explanation + group discussion, 60% case explanation, 40% practice exercise
    Training Content: 2 days

    1. Overview of business modeling
    1. Modeling views and methods of international business architecture
    • Modeling Methods for Domain Views: IDEF1X and ER
    • Functional View Modeling Methods: IDEF0 and DFD
    • Modeling methods for process views: IDEF3, OMT, and BPMN
    • Modeling Methods for Resource Views: IDEF5 and RAD
    • Modeling Methods for Organizational Views :P ERT
    • Modeling Approach to Economic View: AHP
    • Modeling Approach to Decision Views: GRAI
    • Business Component Modeling Approach: CBM
    2. Business modeling tools
    • Introduction to EA tools
    • Business modeling plug-in in EA tools
    • Extend UML models to meet special needs for business modeling
    3. Business model planning process
    • What is Business?
    • Business architecture drives enterprise informatization
    • Business architecture facilitates the evolution of the current business
    • Implement business optimization based on TOC constraint analysis
    • Describe the Business Architecture Modeling Tool
    • The process of business architecture planning
    • Discussion: What Competencies Should a Business Architect Have?
    4. Documentation of business models 
    • Business specification document directory structure planning
    • Automate the generation of business specification documents from UML models
    • Review, baseline, and change of business specification documents
    • Unified versioning of business specification documents
    55. Business scenarios and backgrounds
    • Analysis of the organizational structure of the enterprise
    • Enterprise value chain model
    • Business role division
    • Analyze the business persona work context
    • Define business role work tasks
    • Define how business roles connect with each other
    2. Business domain view
    1. Business domain modeling method - Domain Model
    • Establish and manage business language vocabularies - association analysis, word segmentation
    • Business Word Aggregation Class Analysis - Business Entity Object Model
    • Business Entity Relationship Model - Entity Relationship Diagram
    • Business entity object abstraction model
    • Case Study: Industry Domain Model in CIM Data
    2. Business Rules- Business Rules
    • Explicit vs. implicit business rules
    • Constraint rules, derived rules, and existential rules
    • Vague business rule descriptions
    • Use the OCL language to describe business rules
    • Case Practice: Uncover implicit business rules practices
    3. Business function view
    1. Business use case model - Business Use Case Model
    • Separation of business executors in the organizational structure of the enterprise
    • Describe the responsibilities of the business executor
    • Model use cases based on the responsibilities of business performers
    • Unify the granularity of your business use cases
    • Describe business use cases, stakeholders, and scenarios
    2. Global analysis of business use case scenarios
    • Categorization of similar business use cases - generalized business use cases
    • Overlapping Business Use Case Scenario Slices - Contains business use cases
    • Separation of changes in business use case scenarios - Expansion of use case use cases
    • Case Practice: Use typed business use cases to improve the efficiency of business function modeling
    Fourth, the view of business process and resources
    1. Business process model
    • The basic process structure of the business
    • Process interaction and feedback
    • Process stratification and control
    • Process instances and statuses
    2. Business Process Model - Business Process Model
    • A process model based on business use cases
    • An activity- and action-based business process model
    • Event-based business process model
    • State-based business process model
    • Process modeling based on business metamodels
    • Case Study: Business Process Model in the Power Industry
    3. Business resource model
    • Qualify The Resource
    • Quantify The Resource
    • Rent The Resource
    • Trade The Resource
    • Maintain The Resource
    • Check Resource Delivery
    • Book The Resource
    5. Business economic view and component-based view
    1. Business Process Re-engineering - BPR
    • BPR focuses on: cost, quality, service and speed
    • BPR Basics: TQM (Total Quality Management), JIT (Just-in-Time Production), WORKFLOW (Workflow Management), WORKTEAM (Team Management), Benchmarking Management
    • BPR integration: advanced manufacturing technology, information technology and modern management methods
    • BPR integration: Maximize the functional integration of technology and management
    • BPR reengineering: break the traditional functional organizational structure and establish a new process-oriented organizational structure
    2. Business componentization model
    • Based on AHP service capability stratification
    • Based on AHP service performer stratification
    • Componentization of business processes
    • Matrix-based Business Componentization Model - CBM
    • Case Study: XXX Enterprise Business Componentization Model

    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,