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Courses > Modeling
Business Modeling & Domain-Driven Design
Zu Tao
Founded in 2001, 2005 IBM Rational User Group Best Speaker
Time Location: Beijing, August 20-21; Shenzhen and Shanghai open classes based on registration
Course Cost:1300 $/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    As Software becomes more and more complex, its scale and content become larger and larger, how to effectively model the business, refine the domain model, and conduct analysis and design based on the domain becomes more and more important for the sustainable accumulation ability of Software. This course first explains how to clarify the business through business modeling, and then explains how to extract the domain model from the business model, transition to domain analysis, carry out domain-driven design, achieve orderly Software design, and reverse the domain model of the existing system to help identify problems and carry out effective reconstruction.

    Training Goal

    Get an overview of domain-driven design and its benefits and challenges
    Understand the basic concepts of domain-driven design
    Learn business modeling and domain-driven design methods in combination with industry cases
    Learn how to proceed
  • Business Modeling
  • Domain Analysis
  • Transition from domain analysis to domain design
  • Transition from domain design to implementation design
  • How to reverse domain modeling
  • Considerations for reverse domain modeling
  • Complete reverse domain modeling is explained from concrete examples
    Training Target: requirements analysts, Software developers, Software designers, architecture designers
    Student Foundation:Understanding object-oriented analysis design, preferably understanding UML
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% practice exercise

    Training Content: 2 Days
    Overview of business modeling and domain-driven design What is a business model,
    Differences and connections between business models and requirements models, architectural models, and data models
    Business modeling example demonstration, learn about:
  • Why do you need a business model
  • Who and when is the business model created
  • Application of the business model
  • What is domain-driven design
    What is the domain model,
    The difference and relation between domain model and business model
    Field model examples show, so that students understand:
  • Why do you need a domain model
  • Who and when is the domain model created
  • Application method of domain model
  • Case study of domain-driven design:
  • A system that accumulates over time and grows in scale, creating additional problems that are logically complex and difficult to maintain
  • The design reconfiguration after domain model is introduced
    Domain driven design thinking
  • Domain-driven design review for a real project A review of the development process of a large complex system development project
    The constant change of the system due to the large number of requirements and variability
    Iterative development without direction enters a maze state
    Introduce business models to define business requirements
    Clarify design ideas based on domain model
    Transition from business to implementation technology with domain-driven design.
    Grasp the core of the domain and simplify the design of the system
    Effects comparative analysis, the role of business models and domain models
    Knowledge preparation for business modeling and domain design Object-oriented thought, analysis and design method
    UML modeling standards and methods
    DSL modeling method
    Business Model modeling standards and methods
    Archimate modeling standards and methods
    Functional requirements and tool recommendations of modeling tools:
    Model transformation: Business model -> Domain Model -> Data model -> Design model ->code model
    How to do business modeling and domain-driven design combined with a complete case study
    Business Modeling What is a business model
    What object types the business model has
    How to do business modeling
    Transition from a business model to a domain model
    Tool walkthrough: Business modeling
    Domain Analysis (same cross-case) Domain Analysis Example Display and Analysis
    Objective and scope of concern for domain analysis
    Methods of domain analysis
    Key skills in domain analysis
    Common domain analysis module
    Tool Walkthrough:
  • From the business model to the domain model,
  • Conduct domain analysis modeling
  • Transition from domain analysis to domain design (same cross-cutting case) Domain Design Examples Display and Analysis
    What does domain design care about
    The difference in focus between domain analysis and domain design,
    Domain-driven design approach:
    Key skills for domain design:
    Application practice of domain design:
  • Domain design-driven architecture design
  • Domain design-driven database design
  • The field deals with the detailed design of drives
  • Tool Walkthrough:
  • From domain analysis model to domain design model,
  • Conduct domain design modeling
  • Transition from domain design to implementation design (same cross-case) Realize Design Example Display and Analysis
    What does implementation design care about
    The difference in focus between implementation design and domain design,
    How to transition from domain design to implementation design,
    Key skills to achieve design,
    Application practice from domain design to implementation design:
  • Database Implementation Design
  • Microservice Implementation Design
  • Interface Implementation Design
  • Tool Walkthrough:
  • Transform from domain design model to implement design model,
  • Implement modeling and code generation

  • How to Reverse Domain Models (Same Through Case) Example Display and Analysis: Reverse Domain Modeling
    From current system implementation to reverse domain model
    Establish a unified view of business based on domain model
    Refactoring design based on the reverse domain model:
    Considerations for the reverse domain model
    This paper explains the architecture reconstruction of a system based on domain model
  • A roadmap for a reverse domain model
  • How to reverse a complex system in a clear and orderly way
  • How can design problems be identified and improved based on the inverse domain model
  • Tool exercise: :reverse domain model based on code, and reconstruct design based on domain model

    Course Summary Course Review
    Application Discussion of Customer Cases: Business Modeling and Domain Driven Approach
    Question and Answer


    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,