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Courses > Modeling
Domain-Driven Design and Modeling
Zu Tao
Founded in 2001, 2005 IBM Rational User Group Best Speaker
Time Location: Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai open classes based on registration
Course Cost:1300 $/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency Model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    will find that as the demand increases and the scale grows, the understanding of the business and the Design of the business becomes more and more important, and this is the value of the Domain Model, so that you can understand the business from the perspective of the Model, and then carry out Domain-Driven Design, and build a robust business in the computer. Adapt to the evolving needs of the future, and then be able to quickly respond to business changes, achieve IT flexibility and control. This course will have expert instructors who will lead participants to a deep understanding of the basic concepts of Domain Models and Domain-Driven Design methods, and build Domain control capabilities.
    The course will incorporate complex business cases and lead participants through hands-on Analysis of Design, giving you a deep understanding of the nature of Domain-Driven Design.

    Training Goal

    • Get an overview of Domain-Driven Design
    • Deep understanding of the basic concept of Domain Model Analysis
    • Learn the Modeling method of Domain Model
    • Relational parsing of Domain objects
    • Domain Analysis
    • Transition from Domain Analysis to Domain Design
    • Domain Design - Role Model
    • Domain Design - Solid Model
    • Domain Model of behavior
    • Domain Analysis and Design of Space
    • People-entity-behavior-Space integration Model
    • How to deal with the growing size of the field
    • From Domain Design to implementation Design
    • How to reverse the Domain Model
    Training Target: Requirements analysts, software developers, software Designers, architecture Designers
    Student Foundation:Understand object-oriented Analysis Design, preferably understand UML
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% practice exercise

    Training Content: 2 Days
    Overview of Domain-Driven Design Review the process from business to development
    Problems caused by chaotic business logic
    What is a Domain Model
    What is Domain-Driven Design
    Why Domain-Driven Design
    A Domain-Driven Design reference framework
    Domain-Driven Design patterns
    The basic concept Analysis of Domain Model What is a Domain Model
    What is a Domain class
    What relationships exist between Domain classes
    The relationship between Domain classes and object orientation
    How to Model Domain classes using UML class diagrams
    Modeling method of Domain Model What is a UBIQUITOUS LANGUAGE?
    Modeling language UML for Domain Models
    Four-color Modeling method

    Relational parsing of Domain objects Relevance relation
    Generalization relation
    Aggregation relation
    Constituent relation
    Dependency relationship
    Derivative relationship

    Domain Analysis Business Analysis and Modeling
    How to identify Domain classes
    Analysis patterns for Domain classes
    How to decompose the relationship between Domain classes
    Attribute Analysis method of Domain class
    Behavior Analysis method of Domain class
    Transition from Domain Analysis to Domain Design What does Domain Design care about
    The difference in focus between Domain Analysis and Domain Design,
    Scenario-Driven Analysis and Design
    Mapping method from Analysis Model to Design Model
    Reference hierarchy framework for Domain Design
    Domain-Driven patterns used in the Design process
    CQRS architecture
    DCI architecture
    Event Sourcing (event sourcing)
    Domain Design - Role Model
    The essence Analysis of role Model
    Role-related typical Domain classes and relationships
    Character attribute Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Role relationship Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Character behavior Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Application Design of role Model: user permission Model
    Application Design of role Models: dealing with human Models
    Application Design of the role Model: Creator
    Domain Design - Solid Model The essence Analysis of solid Model
    Entity related typical Domain classes and relationships
    Entity attribute Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Entity relationship Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Behavior Modeling, Analysis and Design of entities

    Domain Model of behavior What is a behavioral Model
    Why analyze behavioral Models
    Behavior typical of Domain classes
    Temporal correlation of behavior
    Patterns of relationships between behaviors
    Behavior-related Modeling, Analysis and Design
    Behavioral data Analysis Design
    Domain Analysis and Design of Space What is a spatial Model
    Why analyze spatial Models
    Different concepts and differences of Space
    Typical spatial Analysis pattern
    The Domain of Space drives Design application cases
    People-entity-behavior-Space integration Model Person-entity-behavior-Space:
  • Relationship Analysis and Design
  • Attribute Analysis and Design
  • Behavior Analysis and Design
    Integrated boundary demarcation
    Integrated contact Design
  • How to deal with the growing size of the field Possible reasons for Domain Model expansion
    Design extensible business framework based on Domain Model
    Angle identification and processing of Domain Model expansion:
  • Scale expansion in the same field
  • Application expansion in the same field
  • Simultaneous expansion of multiple fields
  • New field expansion
    How to Design a Domain Model architecture
  • From Domain Design to implementation Design How to Design a data Model based on a Domain Model
    Mapping from Domain Design to SOA
    Mapping from Domain Design to microservices Model
    How to Design software architecture based on Domain Model
    How to make detailed Design based on Domain Model
    How to reverse the Domain Model Legacy of the development of IT systems
    The need for a reverse Domain Model
    How to reverse the Domain Model based on data
    How to reverse the Domain Model based on code
    Maintenance and management of reverse Domain Models

    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,