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Courses > Modeling
UML + Rhapsody + Embedded System Analysis Design
Senior system architect, with more than 15 years of architecture and development experience, has undertaken a number of embedded software architecture design.
Time Location: Beijing, Shenzhen and Shanghai open classes based on registration
Course Cost:700$/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Learn about the competency model before training.
Competency assessment after training:
  • Online Exams
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

    This course was first launched in China in October 2003 , and after years of training practice, revision and accumulation:
    The course focuses on how to carry out object-oriented visualization development of concurrent, distributed, and real-time systems. The course is developer-focused and teaches Rhapsody modeling Tools for all aspects of the real-time software development lifecycle: from analysis to design, testing, commissioning, configuration management, and deployment. Includes the Unified Modeling Language (UML) needed to create complex, parallel, distributed, or real-time systems The core concept.

    Training Goal

    • Be concurrent, distributed, or real-time development Understand UML modeling methods and techniques.
    • Understand the basic ideas of OO, master the basic principles of OOAD, and understand the basic OOAD methods and application techniques.
    • Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
    • Apply iterative, use case-driven, architecture-centric processes to develop robust design models
    • Use UML to build models: classes, objects, capsules, protocols, components, properties, operations, relationships, stereotypes, software architectures, and the views and model diagrams that need to be related.
    • Apply concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, layering, inheritance, and polymorphism
    • Learn about the different views of software architecture, and the key mechanisms that must be defined to support that architecture
    • Learn how to use Rhapsody tools in all development workflows: analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and configuration management


    Training Target: Embedded Development Engineers
    Student Foundation: Experience in embedded development
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% Practical Exercise
    Training Content: 2 Days
    Rhapsody model An introduction to Rhapsody's processes, modeling language (UML), and tools for developing real-time system models, covering Rhapsody All the main elements of the user interface, and how to create, compile, run, and debug models.
    Passive class and Capsule class Explain the concept and use of Capsule interfaces, ports, protocols, and sub-capsules as well as connectors, as well as the use of general classes
    State modeling Covers the use of finite state machines and statecharts to define the behavior of classes
    System services An introduction to the Runtime Service Library, and the basic services it provides: timing, frames, logging, exceptions, and communication
    Requirements analysis Describes how to read and understand the Requirements Segmentation artifacts and how to use them to identify candidate analysis classes.
    Hierarchical structure Describes how to identify candidate capsules, protocols, and passive classes, and explores how to use capsules and passive classes to meet system design responsibilities.
    Hierarchical structure Explains how complexity can be managed through the use of hierarchical capsules, including multiplexing and replication, as well as end ports and trunk ports.
    Inheritance hierarchies Manage Rhapsody by subdividing capsules, passing classes, and protocols to facilitate the use of inheritance Complexity in the model. Contrast generalization and concretization.
    Hierarchical behavior Describes how to manage complexity using hierarchical finite state machines, covers related concepts, including hierarchical state transitions and hierarchical states, and UML representations of these concepts.
    Systematic hierarchies Describes techniques for building complex systems using tiers and packages
    Configuration management It covers the process of connecting Rhapsody to the configuration management system, as well as the basic configuration management operations provided by the Rhapsody interface.
    Integrate external code Shows how to integrate Rhapsody models and traditional codebases. Also included is how to decentralize Rhapsody Send user-defined data between models, or between models and external applications, in messages.
    Design Patterns and Real-Time Modeling Describes some of the design patterns that are commonly used in developing Rhapsody models, and provides guidelines for applying these design templates.
    Adaptive modeling An introduction to modeling dynamic structure and behavior concepts in capsules to simplify the solution of complex problems in real-time systems.
    Concurrency modeling Define the three elements of concurrency (process, thread, capsule), how they relate to each other, and where each of them is used.
    Distributed model Shows how to handle inter-process communication between distributed Rhapsody models (with or without

    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,