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Courses > Modeling
UML+Object-Oriented Analysis Design
Zu Tao
Founded in 2001, 2005 IBM Rational User Group Best Speaker
Time Location: Beijing,Shenzhen and Shanghai open classes Based on registration
Course Cost:1300 $/Person
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Internal Training: You can customize internal training according to the needs of the enterprise.

Authentication Method:
Understand the competency model before training.
Ability evaluation after training:
  • Online Examination
  • Ability Analysis, give learning suggestions
  • The qualified person shall be issued a certificate as proof of vocational skill qualification

  • Based on the practical application of UML in system analysis and design, combined with the actual case explanation, a clear roadmap is established: requirement analysis, business modeling, domain analysis, architecture design, data design, detailed design, development specification, driving test and release.
  • Aiming at the key problems of the above links, the practical problems are solved through the application of UML modeling and object-oriented method.
  • With equal emphasis on theory and practical experience, students achieve the purpose of learning through real experience, and provide an evolutionary basis for future work.
  • After the end of the actual combat coaching, provide follow-up technical support. Together to achieve practical results in the project.
    Training Goal

    • Business analysis and modeling
    • System analysis and modeling
    • Architecture design and modeling
    • Data design and modeling
    • Detailed design and modeling
    • Model-based code generation supports development
    • Model based test case generation, quality verification
    • Reverse existing code and apply patterns to refactor design
    • From model to writing documentation: Requirements, architecture documents, detailed design documents
    • Manage model management.
    • Ability to use UML tools for project team development
    Reference Case
    • Requirements model framework + document template + case
    • Architecture model framework + document template + case
    • Data model framework + document template + case
    • Code model framework + documentation template + case
    • Test model framework + document template + case
    Tools and Environment
    • UML modeling tool EA
    • UML modeling tool Rose
    • UML modeling tool PowerDesigner
    • UML modeling tool Rhapsody

    Training Target:Requirements Analyst, product designer, Architect, development Engineer
    Student Foundation:Student Foundation: Experience in project development or requirements work
    Teaching Method: Customized Course + Case Explanation + Group Discussion, 60% Case Explanation, 40% practice exercise

    Training Content: 2 Days
    UML Overview What is UML and what does it have
    Why use UML
    Introduction to the application of UML at home and abroad
    Integrated application of UML and CMMI
    Integrated application of UML and agile development process
    UML successful case review
    UML failure case review
    How to use UML modeling well
    The application of UML in each stage is seen from the process of model-driven development
    How to use UML well from example project documentation
    Overview of UML modeling tools What UML modeling tools are available
    A comparison of the working scenarios and modeling features of these modeling tools
    Key metrics for selecting a modeling tool:
    • Support and tracking of UML specification
    • Support for modeling specifications other than UML
    • Support for code automation
    • Support for document automation
    • Support for teamwork
    • Support for model versioning
    • Has modeling framework resources

    UML modeling tool selection recommendations
    UML modeling example demonstration and discussion
    Suggestions for integration of UML modeling tools with existing development and management tools

    Combined with actual project cases, explain the model-based development process: business modeling, system analysis, architecture design, data design, detailed design, development, testing
    Business analysis and modeling Why business modeling
    Business modeling includes those things
    How to conduct business research and analysis
    Business use case analysis and modeling
    Business object analysis and modeling
    Quality and validation of business models
    System analysis and modeling What does system analysis include
    How to conduct system requirements research
    System function analysis and modeling
    System boundary analysis and modeling
    System non-functional requirements analysis and modeling:
    • Performance requirement
    • Reliability requirement
    • Expansion requirement
    • Security requirement
    System Requirements Specification based on model
    Review and validation of system models

    Architecture design and modeling What does architectural design include
    What does the architectural model include
    Hierarchical framework design and modeling
    Subsystem design and modeling
    Module design and modeling
    Deployment design and modeling
    Architecture quality attribute design and modeling
    Validation of architectural models
    Write Architecture Design Document based on model
    Simulation and validation of architecture models
    Data design and modeling
    What does data design involve
    What does the data model include
    Logical data model design and modeling
    Physical data model design and modeling
    Validation of the data model
    Generate a data table structure based on the data model
    Reverse the data model of the existing database
    Compiling Data Design Document based on model
    NIEM application examples : Explain with examples System software and hardware integration reference architecture
    Software and hardware interface layer definitions
    Software and hardware interface design
    Interface communication protocol modeling and simulation
    Detailed design and modeling What does the detailed design include
    What does the detailed model include
    Use case analysis design and modeling
    Component design and modeling
    Interface design and modeling
    Class analysis design and modeling
    Function flow analysis design and modeling
    Validation of detailed design models
    Write Detailed Design Document based on model
    Simulation and verification of design model
    Model-based development Modeling various elements of code: classes, attributes, functions, inheritance, aggregation, composition, polymorphism
    Model mapping for various development languages:
    • Java
    • C++
    • C#
    • C
    • Python
    • PHP
    How do I generate code from the model
    Model-based code development and debugging
    Model backwards the code,
    Apply the model to evaluate code quality
    Code refactoring and model synchronization
    Collaborative modeling examples of large project teams
    Manage the relationship between models and documents Relationship between requirements model and requirements document
    The relationship between architectural models and architectural documents
    Relationship between data model and data document
    Relationship between detailed design model and detailed design document
    The relationship between the code model and code
    Relationships between models: requirements model, architectural model, data model, detailed design model, code model, test model
    Relationships between documents: requirements documents, architectural design documents, detailed design documents, code, test documents
    Manage the model Versioning of models
    Model change management
    Multi-person collaborative modeling management of models
    Domain-specific model extensions
    Branching, merging, and synchronizing models
    Case and training review Why model
    What can be modeled
    What I need to model

    Consulting Services: Model-Driven Development Process
    Consulting Objective Help build model-driven analysis, design, development, testing
    Scope Consultation Requirements Modeling, Architecture Modeling, Database Modeling, Code Modeling, Test Modeling.
    Consultation Method Model-driven development process training, modeling and management tool environment construction, combined with actual customer case demonstration, team practice guidance, model evaluation standards formulation, specification formulation
    Successful Case Huawei Research and Development Center, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 14 Institute, China Mobile Research Institute and so on.
    For more information:010-62670969,