Modeling is a necessary form of complex work, supported by a variety of modeling standards in a variety of areas:
- UML is used for software engineering modeling, including: business modeling, requirements modeling, design modeling, and test modeling.
- Sys ML is used for system engineering modeling, including: system requirements modeling, system design modeling.
- Archimate is used for enterprise architecture modeling, including: strategic objectives, business architecture, application architecture, and technology architecture.
- Modelica is used to model physical devices, including: physical structure, algorithm logic.
Modeling also accumulates some specifications that can be reused, such as:
- UML software reference framework for automotive electronics industry AutoSAR,
- The modeling specification Archimate and the reference architecture TOGAF for the enterprise architecture domain
Modeling has also developed standards for specific applications, such as :
- UPDM: Unified Modeling Platform for Weapons and Equipment
- NIEM: Methods and techniques for cross-domain information exchange
- BPMN: Business process modeling notation