Why set up a "Modeler" channel
Specification changes from UML 2.4 to UML 2.5
DODAF, MODAF, and UAF modeling related toolchains
UAF1.2 Specification Interpretation (DMM and UAFML)
UML Example example: TCP communication principles
DDS models and modeling tools
UML Overview
UML Diagram: Class Diagram
Requirements on Log and Trace [R20-11]
Requirements on E2E [R20-11]
Foundation Release Overview [R20-11]
What is DDS
Why choose DDS
Technical advantages of DDS
How does DDS Work
 Model-Driven Systems Engineering
 Requirements, Design, Development
 Model, Documents, Articles
 Ability Modeling, Evaluation, Training
 EA17.0 Beta has just been released¡­
 Model-Based Requirements
 Provides Web browsing of EA Model
Ability Modeling, Evaluation...
 Help clients build processes that work
 Provide IT technical services
 Help establish R&D technology ...
 Select specific projects and guide
 System analysis Design, UML, SysML
 Software Architecture, Design...
 Electronics, Circuits, PFGA, ARM, DSP
 Products, projects, processes, quality...