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    Models Make the World Clearer
Enterprise Architecture
Agile Modeling
Language and logic
Engineering Philosophy & Exploration
Why "Modeler" channel:All kinds of languages, diagrams are modeling the real world and thinking, Modeler explores the essence of modeling across all fields!
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"MBSE" monthly magazine - December 2023 "MBSE" monthly magazine - October 2023
"MBSE" monthly magazine - September 2023 "MBSE" monthly magazine - August 2023
"MBSE" monthly magazine - July 2023
"MBSE" monthly magazine - June 2023
"MBSE" monthly magazine - May 2023 "MBSE" monthly magazine - March 2023
How will the OMG's new RAAML specification improve security and reliability "MBSE" monthly magazine - February 2023
Model-based project management - Return management from tasks to requirements Process Modeling & Generation Guide documentation (using iSpace)
Model-Based Simulation, Development & Testing (with Simulator+EA) Implement MBSE using EA and iSpace
Modeling of the MBSE project itself Modeling tool EA-> Interface to requirements management tool DOORS
Model-based requirements management methods and tools Model-based requirements management using Web+EA
System Simulator
Model Center -MBSE infrastructure
UML Overview DDS models and modeling tools
UML Diagram: Use case diagram Mapping of Class Diagrams and Code (C++)
UML Diagram: Activity Diagram Specification changes from UML 2.4 to UML 2.5
UML Diagram: Class Diagram UML Example example: TCP communication principles
UML Diagram: Sequence Diagram Examples of Methods for Domain Modeling
UML Diagram: Object Diagram DDS models and modeling tools
Hardware Model: Smart Drive Domain Controller (based on modeling tool EA) SysML Practice Guide, Second Edition, Chapter 8 Parameter diagrams
China Aviation Academy cooperation project "Architecture Framework Profile development and tool integration" started
SysML is used to combine design and simulation analysis
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Rancher cooperation project "Distributed System Construction based on Cloud Native Platform" was successfully implemented SysML is used to combine design and simulation analysis
System Modeling: Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants (2) SysML is used to combine design and simulation analysis
AUTOSAR and SysML SysML Design Based on simulation - Part 2: Demonstrating diversity by example
  Enterprise Architecture    
EA, TOGAF & ArchiMate at a glance Enterprise Architecture, TOGAF & ArchiMate at a glance
DODAF, MODAF and UAF modeling and related toolchains Geely Auto's OTA Data Governance Consultation was successfully implemented
UAF1.2 Specification Interpretation (DMM and UAFML) Perspective mechanism for Enterprise Architecture modeling and examples (based on ArchiMate3.1)
UAF Model Guide (Modeling Tool EA) Complete Archimate Viewpoint Guide (including examples)
Enterprise Architecture modeling with ArchiMate, EA, and iSpace DoDAF Metamodel (DM2)
Modeling and simulation of Marine diesel engine based on Modelica Modelica standard library
The testing method of dynamic heat flux meter for specific heat capacity of phase change materials was studied by using Modelica language What is Modelica
OpenModelica simulation Multi-domain modeling and simulation
Modeling and co-simulation of energy supply system based on Modelica and CFD Modelica Library build System User Guide
OpenModelica emulates the RLC circuit Modeling, simulation and verification of power systems driven by Modelica
BPMN Model Framework (Based on EA) Business_Process_Model_and_Notation
Build the BPMN model in EA BPMN specification - From scratch
2019 Most detailed Activiti6.0 BPMN2.0 specification BPMN2.0- Summary
Workflow based on BPMN2.0 Business Process Modeling Annotation (BPMN) is introduced in detail
BPMN Best practices for beginning and ending events Business Process Modeling Annotation (BPMN)
DMN model was established based on EA  
DMN decision model labeling is introduced The decision is modeled using DMN and decision model
  AADL & MARTE    
MARTE specification Interpretation 1: Introduction Example of MARTE's model
Map the MARTE UML configuration file to AADL AADL development tool OSATE use and syntax
Model design and simulation analysis technology based on AADL Four classic design patterns for AADL
Safety analysis using AADL AADL
Reduce architectural complexity with AADL AADL: An overview of embedded real-time system architecture design and analysis language
AUTOSAR Modeling and ARXML File Generation (EA based) UAF Model Guide (Modeling Tool EA)
Display control with Diagram Legend (Modeling tool EA) Properties of model diagrams (Modeling Tool EA)
Execution Analysis (1) (Modeling Tool EA) Build, debug, analyze, document Execution Analysis (2) (Modeling Tool EA) -- Testing
Use Code templates to control Model generation of code Specification view of the model (Modeling Tool EA)
Model view in EA ArchiMate model framework in EA
【 Video 】 Face recognition based on MATLAB Using MATLAB/Simulink has done two big things on the road to automatic acceleration
Manipulator algorithm in MATLAB - Dynamics matlab machine learning library
Semantic segmentation using MATLAB deep learning MATLAB from introduction to algorithm practice
[Video] MATLAB was used for data analysis Linear regression algorithm Matlab implementation
[Video] New technology of MATLAB and SIMULINK based on model design CNN in machine learning ----matlab
  Agile Modeling    
Agile Architecture: Strategies for Agile development at scale The "3S" process method of agile modeling
Model-based Agile development practice analysis [Video] What is Agile Development Scrum
An agile approach to engineering software development based on model design [Video] Agile Requirements - Visual Modeling techniques
Agile competency modeling method based on leadership interview
Pareto "Agile modeling" method
  Language and logic      
The relationship between logic and linguistics Liu Fenrong and Sima Ting: Towards formal semantics of Meaning and Wittgenstein
Wittgenstein: He went to school with Hitler, openly angry with his teacher Russell, and eventually became a master of philosophy A series of lectures on the centenary of Wittgenstein's Treatise on Logic and Philosophy were held
The emergence and resolution of "mysterious domain" What is philosophy of Language? Russell's judgment theory, early Wittgenstein and logical positivism
Wittgenstein's View of Meaning in the World of language - From logic to language understanding Wittgenstein's philosophy of language and pragmatics
  Engineering Philosophy & Exploration      
The surprising origin of wave-particle duality Causality in physics: a cornerstone for exploring the laws of nature
What does "metaphysics" even mean? Abstract object
Architecture practices in complex environments Acoustic modeling of junior physics
Hybrid threat modeling approach Explore the limits of Life "The Final Journey, Together to Beat Cancer"
Threat modeling - a summary of effective methods How to write Travelogues - Retrospective Edition
FedCLASS: Case studies of Agile and Lean Practices in the federal Government Thoughts on learning and cultivation
Parallel software modeling How to memorize English words
Multi-thread model checking based on IC3 How to use mind mapping to analyze a text
JMR JCA demonstration system architecture security analysis How to be a good graduate student