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Has advised more than 50 companies, some examples are as follows:
· In 2024, an autonomous driving research and development company purchased MBSE tool chain and consulting services
· In 2024, a research institute of China Shipbuilding purchased MBSE tool chain and consulting services
· In 2024, a university's "Job Task Capability Modeling Technical Service" consulting project was launched
· In 2023, the consulting project "Functional Requirement Analysis and Functional Design" of a vehicle enterprise was launched
· In 2023, a vehicle company will purchase MBSE tool chain and consulting services
· In 2023, a power energy company started consulting on the IT Top-level Architecture Design of Cascade Scheduling Automation System
· In 2023, an automotive research institute purchased the MBSE tool chain
· In 2022, the China Academy of Aviation Research cooperation project "Architecture Framework Profile Development and tool Integration" was launched
· In 2022, the cooperation project "Construction of Distributed System Based on Cloud Native Platform" between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Rancher was successfully implemented
· In 2022, Geely Auto's OTA Data Governance Consultation was successfully implemented
· In 2022, the consulting project "MBSE Engineering System and Tool Chain" of Egatone was launched
· In 2021, the "System Analysis and Design Optimization" consultation of a nuclear engineering enterprise was successfully implemented
· Geely Auto's OTA Data Governance Consultation will be launched in 2021
· In 2020, the "Product Manager Ability Training" consultation of the IT department of a bank was successfully implemented
· In January 2018, Shaanxi Finance Cloud: Enterprise Architecture -IT information Top-level Design consultation was successfully held
· 2014 Airborne embedded software architecture design consulting for AVIC Optoelectronics Research Institute
· 2014 Huawei R&D Center, embedded system modeling consulting based on SysML and EA
· Improved agile development process of France Telecom R&D Center in Beijing in 2014
· In 2011, he was consulting on the architecture design of the integrated development and management platform of high-tech software engineering
· 2011 Software engineering R&D and management platform for aviation industry
· Unit testing and continuous integration consulting for an insurance company in 2011
· 2010 Capital Machinery process management development platform architecture design consulting project
· 2010 Interface design consulting for an Internet product company
· June 2009 to January 2010 Guangxi mobile network management application integration and exchange platform project
· 2009 Guangxi mobile communication network management support system architecture evaluation
· In 2009, Guangxi mobile communication enterprise information application platform +ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) planning and R&D project
· June - August 2009 Demand analysis and management consulting of Finance industry of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance
· May 2008: Architecture design consulting for a system of Nanjing Rail Transit Line 2
· 2008 Aetna Life Insurance · Group Insurance Phase 3 - Requirements + Architecture + Detailed Design Consulting (UML based)
· In 2008, I provided consulting services for the quality assurance and quality control system construction of Bank of China's "UnionPay" project
· 2008 China Mobile music requirement analysis and management consulting
· 2008 Aetna Life Insurance - Group Insurance Phase 3 - Demand + architecture + Detailed design consultation
· In 2007, I provided training and consulting services on software process quality measurement and control for Yonyou Software Engineering Co., LTD
· Demand analysis and management consulting of British Padgett Oil for new product development in 2007
· 2007 Demand analysis and management consulting of Zhongxing Yite
· Demand analysis, system architecture, design and development of China Netcom voice integrated marketing acceptance system in 2006
· 2006, Space Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences, architecture design and development guidance based on UML
· In 2006, I was the diagnostic consultant for the implementation process of CMMI ML3 of Chinese Gong Dameng
· 2006 Armed Police Headquarters Security Department, investigation business management system, project consulting and research and development
· In 2005, Business analysis and modeling consulting, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance
· 2005 Remaining oil forecast software architecture + development & Research & Development + consulting project of Daqing Oilfield
· Implemented quantitative management training and project pilot consulting for Longtop CMMI ML4 in 2005
· In 2005, Jiangsu Electric Power designed enterprise application integration architecture based on SOA, and carried out the overall system design
· In 2006, Agricultural Development Bank of China provided architecture design and core module development guidance for new value-added service system based on SOA
· In 2004, I conducted training and consulting on "Software Quality Management" for Founder Electronics Co., LTD. (passed CMM Level 3 at the end of 2003)
· 2004 Zhejiang Telecom Project: Zhejiang Telecom BSS integration system design and development of prototype system
· Provided consulting services for the testing center established by CLP Group in 2003;
· Provided UML-based model driven development process consultation for Yunxingyu Company of Capital Development Group in 2003
· Provided full consulting services for AIA Beijing and Guangzhou to implement CMMI Level 3 in 2003
· Provided independent consultation for HKUST Mingtai (formerly Shida Mingtai) Company to successfully pass CMM assessment in 2002