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Code Engineer
AUTOSAR Engineer
AutoSAR Modeling with Generator AutosarEngineer
  Model-based in-vehicle software development requires a smooth transition from model to code implementation.
   1) Use EA for requirement modeling, system modeling and software architecture modeling.
   2) Use ArxmlGenerator to generate ARXML file,
   3) Import downstream tools Matlab and Davinci for subsequent configuration and development.

ARXML Builder helps you move seamlessly from modeling tool EA to tools Matlab and Davinci.

We offer the following products and services:
  (1) Tools: EA supports requirements modeling, system modeling and software modeling
  (2) Tool: ARXML Generator ArxmlGenerator
  (3) Templates: AUTOSAR model framework and data mapping configuration template
  (4) Consulting services: Model-based system and software design
  (5) Consulting services: SOa-based vehicle software development

If you have any questions, please contact us at
