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 Model Checker

Model Checker
Author  Zu Tao
Date  July 21, 2023


User Manual: Model Checker

1. Introduction Model Checker

2. Element Check

3. Class Check

4. Use Case Check

5. Diagram Check

6. State Diagram Check

7. Sequence Diagram Check

1. Introduction Model Checker
Checker is an EA plugin developed by Dragon Fruit Software to enhance the modeling capabilities of EA, which currently offers the following features:
The following is a brief introduction to the features of the Model Checker.
2. Element Check
Checker can check the Elements, and can check the following aspects of the elements
•  Unnamed: Lists all elements that do not have names
•  Duplicate name: Lists all elements with the same name.
3. Class Check
4、Use Case Check
5、Diagram Check
6、State Diagram Check
7、Sequence Diagram Check

If you need to purchase a model Checker, please contact us:

