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Text Generate Diagram
Author: Zu Tao (Pitaya Software Engineering)


1. Why does Natural Language generate Diagram

2. Example: Natural language Auto Modeling

3. Operation Demo

4. Postscript

1. Why does Natural Language Generate Diagram

Natural language is the most used by people to describe things. Natural language comes from the description of the ontological world, which abstracts things in the real world into various concepts, uses specific vocabulary, and describes them in the form of text symbols that are easy to write. The reader needs to identify the information in a Natural Language Based description, and then mentally construct the logical relationships of the concepts in question. The more complex the description of a system or business, the more complex the process of identifying information -> constructing conceptual logical relations, and the more brain-burning the conceptual relations constructed.

It is clear that anyone who reads in Natural Language needs a method or even a Tool that can help people improve their ability to construct logical views from text. To this end, we built a method to automate the construction of logical views from Natural Language text and developed the corresponding Tools.

The following, using the scenario description of a use case as an example, introduces Auto text-to-graph Modeling.

2. Example: Natural Language Auto Modeling

Whether in industrial control or business Management , use case scenarios are an effective way to describe functional Requirements. To this end, we provide support for Auto Modeling capabilities ranging from text descriptions of use case scenarios to diagrams. Use case scenarios can generate three types of diagrams: activity diagrams, executor responsibility diagrams, and sequence diagrams.

The following takes "Use Case: Motor Control" as an example to explain what the three Diagram generated Based on the scene description text have and what they look like.

First of all, use case diagrams are established and the scenarios of each use case are described in words. The following is a use case diagram of the motor monitoring system.

For the Use Case: Control motor, the basic scenario is described as follows:

Use case name Control motor
Basic Scene? 1. User - Select motor
2. User - issue control command - control command
3. Host computer - forward instruction - control instruction
4. Controller - Receive instructions
5. Controller - Perform calculations
6. Controller - start motor - start signal
7. Motor - start - motor status
8. Controller - boot result judgment
9. Controller - Report motor information - motor information
10. Host computer - receive motor information
11. Upper computer - Display boot result - operation result
12. User - View the boot result

Then use an Auto Modeling Tool "Text -> Graph Generator" to automatically generate the graph Based on the scene description text above.



I hope you have found this article useful.
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•  Modeling Tools: EA
•  MBSE Platform: iSpace
•  Course: MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering)
•  Course: Model Based Requirements analysis, Modeling and Management
•  Consulting Solution: MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering)
•  Consulting Solution: Model-Driven Development Based on UML
•  All the Modeling Course:
•  Consulting Solution: Model Based Engineering Management
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About the author:
Zu Tao, founder of Pitaya Software Engineering, founded Pitaya Software Engineering in 2001 and founded the IBM Rational User Group in 2004. In 1998, I participated in the national key research project "Domain-specific Component Based Software Reuse" as a backbone, and had the honor to deeply learn and use UML to conduct domain Modeling and refine reusable components and architectures. In the later research and Development projects, I have been using the model for analysis and design, and accumulated some experience and experience. In my previous experience, I was most impressed by the fact that the fields of software Engineering and systems Engineering , which have gathered many elite talents, have been in a messy and confusing state for decades. Based on my own experience, I feel that clear models are the key to clear the fog of Engineering . Therefore, I keep researching and applying various Modeling techniques and refining experience from my own Engineering practice. To form a sustainable methodology for themselves, For example, "Nature Model Language-Natural Modeling Language", "Model Based 3D R&D Management", "iProcess Process Improvement Method", "Model Based Demand Management", "Model-Driven Architecture Design", "Model Based quality Management", "Model Based personnel Capability Management", At present, I am working as a product manager and architect on the research and Development of MBSE (Model Based Systems Engineering) Platform, hoping to establish a model Based Engineering Solution. I will continue to write some articles in the future, hoping to give some reference to peers.
