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Tools > Enterprise Architect > Solutions
Application Solutions
The MBSE Tool Chain can support a variety of Engineering practices, and the following applications are supported:
Application Solutions Engineering Scenario Tool Support
Process Digitization Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
Workflow Engineering Guide iSpace
Workflow Modeling EA
Workflow Simulation EA+WebEA
Workflow publishing WebEA ,Document Generator
Workflow Review WebEA
Workflow query and browse WebEA
Data Architecture Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
Data Architecture Engineering Guide iSpace
Survey of available data EA
Data Model inversion EA
Data Model publishing WebEA ,Document Generator
Data Model problem feedback WebEA
Data Model review WebEA
Data Model optimization WebEA
Enterprise Architecture Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
Enterprise Architecture Engineering Guide iSpace
Current status survey: Business, Systems, data, technology EA
Quality Evaluation WebEA
Architecture Design EA
Architecture publishing WebEA
Develop System specifications EA
Publishing System specification WebEA ,Document Generator
Guide future construction WebEA
DoDAF Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
DoDAF Engineering Guidelines iSpace
Current status survey: Business, Systems, data, technology EA
Quality Evaluation WebEA
Architecture Design EA
Architecture publishing WebEA
Develop System specifications EA
Publishing System specification WebEA ,Document Generator
Guide future construction WebEA
Automotive electronic and electrical Architecture Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
VEE Architecture Engineering Guide iSpace
Current Situation survey: System, Software, hardware, network EA
Quality Evaluation WebEA
Architecture Design: System, Software, hardware, network EA
Architecture publishing
Develop System specifications EA
Publishing System specification
WebEA ,Document Generator
Guide future construction WebEA
System Design and Simulation Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
System Development guide iSpace
Build Model Base ModelCenter
System requirement analysis EA
System Design EA
System Simulation EA
System Design release
WebEA ,Document Generator
System Design review WebEA
System Design problem feedback WebEA
System Design optimization EA
Software Design and implementation Build ModelCenter ModelCenter
Software Development process Guide iSpace
Build Model Base ModelCenter
Software requirement analysis EA+Automatic Modeler
Software Architecture Design EA+Automatic Modeler
Software detailed Design EA+Automatic Modeler
Software Design release WebEA ,Document Generator
Software Design review WebEA
Feedback on Software Design issues WebEA
Software Design optimization EA
Software Code Generation EA
Profession Introduce
Firm EA has a proven track record of providing the enterprise sector with comprehensive and powerful UML 2.5 Modeling tools.
Government EA provides the ideal tool for complex Modeling and Design tasks for Government departments.
Small and medium-sized enterprise EA offers a comprehensive feature set that combines high-end performance and functionality with ease of deployment and affordability.
IT Major EA uses a full WYSIWYG (what you see is what you Get) report Generator, combines strong Code Engineering and dataBase Engineering capabilities, adopts industry-standard UML, and implements shared Model support and low cost of ownership.
Training Personnel EA offers a comprehensive package with high quality PDF or HTML-Based help documents along with plenty of examples, add-ons, and free resources.
Academic Institution With a wide range of standard and high-end Modeling capabilities, ease of deployment, and a simple, intuitive interface, Enterprise Architect Academic Edition is ideal for students and faculty alike.
Actor Introduce
Business Analyst Business Analysts can use EA to create high-level Models of business processes. This includes the presentation of business requirements, activities, workflows, and System behavior.
DataBase Administrator EA supports a range of dataBase management capabilities, including Modeling dataBase structures, importing dataBase structures from existing dataBases, and generating DDL to quickly create dataBases from Models.
Deployment and Presentation The tasks involved in project deployment and presentation can be Modeled in Schema EA. Network administrators can use deployment Diagrams to show network deployments. You can also use deployment Diagrams to Model workstation deployments.
Developer Developers can use EA to perform round-trip Code Engineering, including reverse-Engineering existing Code and generating Code from UML class Diagrams.
Project Manager EA provides strong support for managing projects. Project Managers can use EA to estimate project size, measure risk and effort, and allocate resources to elements.
Software Architect Software Architects can use EA to map functional requirements to use cases, use interaction Diagrams to perform real-time Modeling of objects, Design deployment Models, and use component Diagrams to detail deliverables.
Software Engineer Software Engineers using EAt can map use cases to class Diagrams, detail interactions between classes, define System deployment using deployment Diagrams, and define Software packages using package Diagrams.
Technology Developer Technology Developers can create additional features to create custom additions, including UML profiles, patterns, Code templates, tag value types, MDG technologies, and EA plug-ins.
Tester EA provides support for Design tests by allowing users to create test scripts for elements in the Modeling environment.