Introduction to iSpace |
Demo: Model-based ASPICE |
The MBSE process is designed with multiple roles, jobs and artifacts, and requires holistic management to ensure the effective implementation of MBSE.
iSpace provides full cycle engineering practice support for MBSE, covering:
MBSE Process Management: Defining the entire MBSE workflow, clarifying the role - activity - artifact workflow relationship in the workflow, and establishing work collaboration guidelines from a manager's perspective.
MBSE Role Management: Define multiple roles across MBSE, clarify role-activity relationships, and guide operations to build staff perspective.
MBSE Artifact Management: Define tools and relationships for various artifacts based on workflows, and provide a unified engineering warehouse to support artifact reuse and change management.
On this basis, it provides the following support for the work needs of MBSE:
Requirement management: Based on the model, it can establish the itemized view of the requirement, establish the requirement tracking, manage the change, and manage the requirement state.
Design management: It can establish a catalog of design components based on the model, establish a tracking relationship between requirements and designs, and manage design changes and states.
Quality management: can define the quality view based on the model, manage the review indicators, evaluate the quality of various workpieces, and statistical quality reports.
Integration testing: Can be based on model driven integration testing, support integration testing complete tool chain, automate integration testing, generate quality reports.
Model management: Support model warehouse, team sharing model, collaborative modeling, real-time synchronous update.
Document management: Support document warehouse, model and document association, document to model tracking management.

Demo: Data modeling by iSpace |
Presentation: Introduction to NML |
Demo: Modeling tools for DoDAF |
Demo: iSpace modeling and documentation generation |
Demo: iSpace modeling extension mechanism |
Demo: Requirements management based on iSpace |
Demo: Document to model association tracing |
Model-centric 3D R&D Management (Model-Document-Articles) |
The development process of a product involves several stages, and the deliverables of these stages are mainly in three forms:
- models:suitable for professional work, which can be converted into documents or articles;
- Documents: suitable for external reading;
- Articles: Suitable for tracking management;
The core engineering function of iSpace is model-centric, supporting the development and management of the whole cycle of the product. Users can generate documents or items according to the needs of the model, and the management of the model supports multiple views, which can help engineers solve complex systems.
Provide 3D view to make work more transparent:
Document view: Document repository, collaborative editing, web sharing
Model view: Model warehouse, collaborative modeling, trace management
Data view: Tracking table of various data (Product-requirement-design-code-test)
Provide a variety of work templates to improve engineering efficiency and quality:
Provide document templates: requirements document, architecture document, design document, test document,
Model framework: UML, SysML, TOGAF,
Engineering data: Requirements, design, code, test, product
Process frameworks: CMMI, GJB, Agile, ASPICE |
Order method: |
Collaborative platform iSpace is purchased according to the number of users, please contact the original sales representative. |
Contact us:
Email: umlooo@hotmail.com |